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Rookie Trainer (2/12)



  1. I am looking for an epic 20+ amoongus/evo with regenerator, that is it. pm me, willing to transfer to gold to obtain with the current rules for sleep mechanics.
  2. While the accuracy move bans have been implemented, the pvp sleep smogon has implented are non existent. It would not hurt any of the boss teams if a 2 turn sleep cap that smogon institutes to keep pvp fair are implemented.
  3. 95k karp
  4. 363468 modest magnemite
  5. 313215 Magnemite 2 (Modest)
  6. 810982 edit: looks like the auction already ended if it was based on the first post date but the time stamp shows a different time than the post date.
  7. you won the auction! let me know when you are available to pick up your winnings
  8. sold
  9. I've read the rules many times, but thanks for the reminder and sorry about that mistake. I quickly reported it once I noticed I posted it there but there wasn't any trade mod available to help me move it in time. Auction completed.
  10. you won the auction, I'm online now in game if you're available.
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