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Everything posted by Taskiner

  1. 24 hrs after first bid
  2. ...
  3. @Vicshrewd you won the auction
  4. Duration: 48h after first bid Start offer: 1m Min Bid: 100k Insta: None Accepted payments Coin Capsule = 400k Reroll Ticket = 500k Contact Ingame: taskiner
  5. end
  7. hi, i'm playing the game on a 4k monitor, it would be perfect to add a setting that softens the pixels. this is available in the roms of old games
  8. sd
  9. winner Scrubdoodle
  10. left 24 hour
  11. Start 3m poke dollars time: 4 days Start time: Once first bid comes in, the 4day bidding window will begin. Minimum bid 100k This Pokemon is on gold server, but I can transfer to silver server.
  12. the winner Stu91
  13. Left 40 hour
  14. Start 1m poke dollars time: 5 days Start time: Once first bid comes in, the 5day bidding window will begin. Minimum bid 100k This Pokemon is on gold server, but I can transfer to silver server.
  15. Auction Duration time Min raise insta
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