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  1. Bump
  2. I changes the price now is more cheap!!!!
  3. the price is changed now is fixed gl to everyone
  4. wts s.o 300k insta 500kaccept cc 420k min bid 50k the auction end after 24hr from the first bid wts s.o 200k insta 300k min bid 50k the auction end after 24hr from the first bid (accept cc 420k) wts s.o 100k insta 250 min bid 50k the auction end after 24hr from the first bid wts s.o 150k insta 300k min bid 50k the auction end in 24hr from the first bid wts s.o 50k insta 100k min bid 20k the auction end in 24hr from the first bid wts s.o 400k insta 600k min bid 50k the auction end in 24hr from the first bid accept cc420k
  5. @norex come online
  6. congrats @Norex sold to u
  7. 1 min left!!
  8. k 2min left
  9. i thought spatk doesnt matter cuz it an umbreon ;(
  10. ok the aution will end at 21:00 gmt
  11. wts pvp ready +24 umbreon s.o 1m insta 2m the auction end in 24h after the first bid (min raise 50k)
  12. Buy gastly 150k
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