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  1. one piece just started 2 weeks ago now on ep 172
  2. 1. fairy tail: it have man epic thing like: dragons, demons, immortal people and magic 2. akame ga kill: just howmany characters are gonna die 3. one piece: howmany idiots are sitting in the straw hat gang like always hungry luffy and sleepy zoro 4. black bullet: just like the story line a lot 5. Saiki Kusuo no Ψ-nan: the comedy is briliant with a boy with psychic powers and idiots as friends special mentions: Danshi Koukousei no Nichijou, noragami, owari no seraph, sword art online and Joukamachi no Dandelion
  3. my first anime was owari no seraph
  4. Re: XMAS SWABLU <t>> 3 mil <</t>
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