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Everything posted by Stahlix

  1. It's the same for me on android. It doesnt bother me much, since im pleased with the joystick (except for that it seems to be too sensitive -> slightly pushing= 3 steps from character)
  2. Hey folks, yesterday i decided to use one of my ps4-controller, which i also used to play rocketleague with, to play PRO. Unfortunately, everytime i click "Allow Controller" in the options-menu AND a controller is connected, my character starts walking. I can still influence it by pressing the joystick, but it won't stop walking in several directions (mostly only 1). Has anyone experienced this problem? Useful facts about the issue: -i play on WIN10 64bit (tried it on 2 computers, same issue) -i have controllerdrivers installed -it works on other games -it works on my androiddevice -i tried different controllers Please help me, i really keen to play it on my laptop. Cheers, Stahlix PS: sorry if wrong subforum
  3. I got a general question about EV-Training: If i start training EVs at lvl100, would that be useless since statpoints get added with lvlup? and if so, would it be the best to have your EV's maxed at level 1? And if so, again, how do i make sure i max my EV's as early as possible? Cheers and sorry for the noobiism, Stahlix
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