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Everything posted by Mihawk95

  1. alakazam and clefable sold
  2. Serperior sold to Celliana
  3. Start bid 1m min raise 200k insta 3m Instabuy by DrShaw1991
  4. new pokes added
  5. new pokes: conkeldurr, haxorus, weezing, dragonite, golem, amoonguss, kingler
  6. auktio end in 24hrs c.o 2m by basilisgountis
  7. Starting Price : 1m Insta : 5m Min raises 150k Auction starts with first bid and will end 48 hours after the first offer i accept cash or reroll tickets(IV=600k nature=300k) comment here or pm me ingame(Mihawk95) c.o: 2.5m by Leonidas92
  8. 800k but is negotiable :)
  9. new pokes ferrothorn, snorlax, magnezone, rapidash
  10. new pokes: hitmonlee, swabsbuck,alakazam,garchomp and lanturn
  11. okey pm me in game
  12. Welcome To My Personal Shop If u buy poke then comment in this thread, or Pm ingame (IGN: Mihawk95) or discord: Mihawk95#6469 Fake buyer's will be reported! Price are negotiable! How To Pay Pokedollers Coins Capsules - 400k Re-Roll Tickets - ( Iv's - 650k ) ( Nature - 320k ) 15 day - 200k 30 days - 400k [spoiler=PVP pokes] [spoiler=Trained pokes] [spoiler=Low LVL] [spoiler=SOLD] [spoiler=SOLD] Thanks For Visiting My Personal Shop! :)
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