Hi, my name is Fellash2002 and I was doing the boss Medusa right now when the server crashed (14:55), I cane back thrre to fight them, but I couldn't anymore, so I wanted to see if someone can help me with that since it's server's fault, thanks!
What's your Player name (IGN)? Fellash2002
Number of hours played? 1240h
What's your favourite Pokemon? Blaziken
What country are you from? Brazil
How old are you? 18
Which server do you play on? Silver
I was training my skorupi when he suddenly reached lvl100 using the everstone item, I did not even notice it, and I really wanted someone to help me, I played for almost 2 years and I always found the moderation very good, so I thought they could now also help me. :Grin: