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About Falconsparrow

  • Birthday 05/25/1994

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  1. I had that same problem. I discovered it would only happen to me when I set the Hair Style value back to zero. Changing genders also resets all values to zero, including the Hair Style. As long as you do not click the gender buttons, or set the Hair style back to zero by any means, then it seems to allow you to create your character. :Cry:
  2. To start, I hope this is posted in the right forum. I am not very experienced at using forums. If it is not, I apologize in advance. I have just began to give this game a try and upon logging in I meet Professor Oak, as one would expect. He asks to know more about me, and offers options to customize an avatar to use. However, I couldn't change anything. :confused: Details: Upon relaunching and attempting to create an avatar multiple times I have determined the following. - If you ever click the gender buttons, the numbers reset to 0 and remain unchangeable. ....- The gender starts as male and will change to female, however no buttons work after clicking either gender button. (Sorry ladies) - If you ignore the gender buttons, you can change the values for your avatar UNTIL: ....- You click the "Hair Style" number back to 0 which causes everything to become unchangeable (The other values can be changed back to 0 without an issue :Exclam: ), ....- OR, a gender button is clicked, which resets all the numbers to 0 and renders them unchangeable, - Once this has happened, the OK button doesn't work either. (I never tried to click OK before the numbers became unchangeable) Note: After the buttons stop working, the buttons' animation of being clicked still happens but the buttons do not work. I think the issue lies in changing the "Hair Style" value to 0, no matter how that change is made. I would guess it causes the code to get stuck or something... I would just like to inform someone of this. I feel like the issue is known considering the amount of users, however those are my findings.
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