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About Pkmnlover

  • Birthday 06/06/1995

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Pkmnlover's Achievements

Junior Trainer

Junior Trainer (3/12)



  1. well we may not even have mega stones besides we still only have 3 regions
  2. check and make sure its correct sometimes it happens you can mess up if you go too quickly
  3. well hippopotas and its evolution dont have the water typing lol they are of the ground type so it makes sense its in the dessert
  4. GL on the elite 4
  5. ill try to see if you can join the 1 im in
  6. i just went to random 1s in hoenn starting with the closest 1 and did it until i unlocked it
  7. i use 7zip and it worked for me maybe redownload it
  8. so where would the other starters come from? in the show and games kanto is the only 1 with 4 starters
  9. maybe it broke a rule
  10. so you did the quest? if so wattson shouldnt be there
  11. so you have the requirements for it?
  12. pics would help ppl see what exactly he said
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