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Posts posted by Drayano

  1. 320881
    320870 No. You need a half of month to get your FIRST MS, then unless you play 1 hour per month, your future MS will come alone. Seriously there is no reason to complain, you're just a lazy snail (and this is a joke, ofc you're not a real snail, don't look at the mirror).


    Last post for me, keep complaining if you think this is the right way to earn money, you'll get far.


    I got a long time and with help from an other player only to get "pick axe" with 870k.

    Why would you even want a pick axe if you can't even afford the ms medaillon

  2. 258642 because noone is stupid enough to claim he dc on purpose.

    258622 (my main cause of logging out during a battle - because YES i am doing it.)

    :confused: :confused: :confused:


    Surrender button + Opponent win coin on dc are the best idea, if we could have both than it would be perfect !

  3. 248211U play 10 games a day and u disconnect in 50% of the games. I mean if your internet is that unstable, why even go into PvP? In earlier seasons u had also 0 Chance on a rating into top 25, even if u are the best player in the world.

    I know someone who dc'ed a lot because of his unstable 4g and still managed to climb to the rank 5 of blue pvp players so ^^

    257516 Its quite hilarious that you are going to punish people as the solution to a bug instead of fixing it. Disconnecting should just give the win to the opponent. Not to mention that people can have legitimate connection or computer problem. I've lost like 4 ranked games because of my random display crashes, and now I'm gonna get my account banned because my PC shuts down when I'm about to lose? Non sense.


    I agree with losing a coin upon disconnection, thought, since its really boring for the opponent (even if they get their coin).

    Couldn't agree more. Just give the winner his coin, dc or not. This might not be THAT hard to code (even if it's hard then it would be easier than coding an AI to finish the game imo)

  4. "Sleep Talk while awake(doesn't consume PP, if you see the opponent not using a move while awake, it's this)"

    Is this really banned ? (i don't use it but i'll take for example when i play showdown)

    Sometimes when i'm sleeping i use sleep talk to don't waste turn but i can't precisely know when my pokemon will wake up again and i end up wasting a turn using sleep talk when my poke just woke up that turn, so is this case banned ?

  5. 247224And now to the "old arguments".

    Is it fair for players who waste a lot of time to get a speed boost torchic?

    Is it fair for players to face an extremely broken pokemon ? The argument of rarity isn't one, you can't go hunt for a Uber poke and then complain because it is/will get banned.

    247224Tiers in smogon are based on the %-usage of a pokemon.

    This is valid for all the tiers, expect LC and Uber (maybe other ones but those are the most used).

    And uber ban are voted by majority (60%+ not just 50%)

    247136 but in my opinion u can counter it.

    Why even discuss if this stupid argument come everytime (don't misunderstood me, i'm not insulting you).

    Of course every poke can be countered (well expect mega rayquaza but even him can be (sometimes) killed), but that doesn't mean they aren't OP, Mewtwo can be countered, but everyone here will agree that mewtwo is stupidly OP and should never be allowed here, same goes for other pokemons like h.a gothi or h.a blaziken.

  6. Well, first you can't compare LoL with PRO.

    First, if you dc in lol you penalise your mates and leave them 4v5 that's why you got a penality.

    In a pokemon game it's basically a 1v1 so if you dc you are the only one in trouble and shouldn't get punished, the most simple solution is to count the dc as a win for the opponent and give him 1 coin.


    Like hey, in every 1v1 game if you dc or ragequit the opponent win and get his rewards, i don't understand why it isn't the same here.

  7. 240288
    237336 Paralyze makes you always go last.

    Not always, paralyze divide your speed by 4.

    A paralyzed weavile can still outspeed a low speed ferrothorn for example


    Paralyzation reduces your speed. You'll have 75% less speed once you've been hit by paralyzation. Speed doesn't get divided by 4.

    Well, losing 75% is just like dividing by 4, no ?

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