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  1. Hello! I would like to join this Guild Discord Name: Suriya Narayanan#5819 I do play around 2-4 hours daily, but most of the time available, so if anyone wish to contact me can contact through discord, I will return to game Now that I have completed all regions I am focusing now on Strengthening my pokes for PVP and PVE battles etc. I can also contribute apart from battles like dex services, training etc.
  2. 1.billaboy 2.232 3.snorlax 4.19
  3. 1.Snorlax 2. will be attached 3.to be a pokemon master 4. a lot of time i guess 5. once a day 6. ill be in chat if the guild needs me but ill be more active in discord and in game 7.i will participate in guild events if i can you can contact me @Billaboy
  4. name:billaboy hours played:230 favourite poke:Charizard country:india age:18 i hope u join me to ur guild
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