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Everything posted by Munshoo

  1. hey to all :) I don`t Really have any problem with the Ms.. and so on - but their is 1 thing that is bugging me alot in this game. and that is in "safari zone Johto" iv been searching for a "feebas" over 1 day , and as u know to get in to safari zone, you need to pay 5k , so iv spended over 70k just to get in their and search for a feebas , maybe i just have the worst luck in the world but could u drop the rate, so it will be worth it :) that is all i ask for and thx again for this game :) :Cool:
  2. can u even learn giga impact ? and thunderbolt wouldint be good bec its an adamant
  3. My ingame name is munshoo please add me :)
  4. thx for ur reply - but u cant use destiny bond in this game - so i can use pain split - shadowsneak - i diditn understand the prankster+wow , my ability is frisk .
  5. Hi , Like the topic say`s , iv been searching for a vary long time for good moveset for Banette and i havint found any that i am interested in , i would appreciate any advice :thanks: !
  6. what do you mean ? where should i post ?
  7. Hi , Like the topic say`s , iv been searching for a vary long time for good moveset for Banette and i havint found any that i am interested in , i would appreciate any advice Thank you :Heart:
  8. thx for the fast reply , but how are u suppose to know what is new in the game ? is their anyway ?
  9. well like the topic says, iv been searching for the patch note 1 hour on the forum and cant find anything , i asked in live support chat to, but thay ignored me.. so am i blind or does it not exist ?
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