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About Naoya

  • Birthday 07/01/1995

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    Student, Amateur Game Developer
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    Student, Amateur Game Developer

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  1. Naoya's Weekly Lesson on "Pay 2 Win" PRO is not in the least pay to win. Pay to win would be if people were able to purchase perfect IV Pokemon, legendaries, or other strong Pokemon from the shop, or if members could get their Pokemon up to level 200 but free users could only get up to level 100, making it impossible for a free user to fight someone who paid to have a level 200 perfect IV Rayquaza while they're stuck with 20-30 IV catchable Pokemon. Pay 2 Win systems give people who pay money a clear, unobtainable by normal means, advantage over non-paying users. What PRO, and many other MMORPGs do (Since you play WoW, I assume you're familiar with the ability to purchase max level characters), is allow players to trade money to save time. You can either get through this game faster by paying money, or you can take the time and do it for free. Also the most important point! Memberships can be bought with in game currency because coins are able to be traded. Meaning without spending a single real world dollar, you can get literally everything in the game that someone who opened their wallet can get. That point alone makes the argument that PRO is pay to win completely invalid.
  2. yeah, exactly the ''boss trainers'' have good teams with good levels and movesets, but wild pokemon and average trainers around them don't have a good enough level or are the same level as in the official games I can appreciate a proper hard mode pokemon game, but this level difference is... weird in another words u just want a simple game with an easy way of leveling?? then u shouldn't play MMO sir.. no MMO simple in everything.. i pick pikachu for my starter.. that clearly a disadvantage for beating brock.. and i never complain about how hard pikachu beating brock.. there is a way if u want to find it.. Actually we're arguing that perhaps the game should be generally harder, to make it so that the bosses don't take us by such extreme surprise. What I want is better balance across the board, if that means making trainers harder and wilds higher level, or if that means making bosses easier, so be it. If you could, stop being so judgmental and immediately acting as if we're complaining or are wimps.
  3. Oh man is that a statement. That's definitely a statement... No one's complaining. It's a discussion. And as someone who knows the ins and outs of Pokemon, this game still throws curve-balls at pros at the very beginning and screws us over. Like as Willturner5 said. That freakin' Starmie and it's Ice move. Anyways, I feel like the game doesn't... prepare you well enough? The game doesn't really give you a feel for what the bosses are going to be like until you go to fight them. And this is a problem thoughout the game as well, most recently I struggled with this in the Game Corner and 5th Gym. All the goons were easy, Giovanni was an unexpected nightmare, even with a fighting and a water type. Then of course all the psychic Pokemon... and then the boss having Poison. Had no idea what to expect.
  4. 4th gym leader (Ericka) was probably the easiest one. Beat her with a level 38 Noctowl alone using only Air Slash, so a few 35s with some type advantage moves should be more than enough as long as they're not weak to grass or poison.
  5. Great guide but a I have a few suggestions: - Suggested Team Level Average (Like Lvl 45-50). Since PRO really hates on blindly checking gym teams but gives us no way to figure out what to do aside from going in blind and seeing how far we get, a level estimate would really nice. - Suggested Pokemon. Something like Pokemon that you can catch up to that point that would be helpful to deal with their team. (For example, I swept Ericka's team with just a level 38 Noctowl. So Noctowl with Air Slash could be the suggestion for her.)
  6. No. This game is NOT pay to win. Coins let you buy cosmetics, mounts (which do exactly the same thing as a bike which anyone can buy, and actually is still necessary even if you have a mount), EXP boosts (while makes the game easier and less time consuming, but that is fine, non-paying users can still get to the same level as a member just by spending more time), and lets you get Pokemon from other regions early (but a non-member can still purchase these Pokemon for in-game currency from members). Point being, a non-member can obtain EVERYTHING RELEVANT and even some simply cosmetic stuff, simply by putting the effort forth. This is NOT the definition of Pay to Win. Pay to Win would be if members could just buy Legendary Pokemon or perfect IV Pokemon, or members could have level 200 Pokemon while non-members could only have level 100 Pokemon, meaning non-members would never win against a member. This is not the case.
  7. I doubt they're doing it for no reason, in fact, mods seemed pretty lenient back when we could see when people were muted and such.
  8. To prevent XP grinding against high level enemies like bosses. I don't necessarily agree with this mindset, but eh, that's the way it is.
  9. Naoya

    Don't be a coward

    What are glitched moves? Which are functional, but do not work as intended. And what are they? Because I know of a few moves I'm pretty sure don't work like they do in the regular games (like Sand Tomb and Uproar) but I didn't realize they were glitched moves and you can get banned for using them. :Nervous:
  10. Naoya

    Don't be a coward

    Just that we don't respond doesn't mean we're not looking into it. using glitched moves falls under bug abuse and will end in a punishment. What are glitched moves?
  11. No it doesn't, as far as I know there's not any core coding languages that support just inserting a gif and letting it run. You have to manually cycle the images to make the animation, which would cause unnecessary load on lower end devices. oohhh I see, didn't know that then, it would only be possible to insert still images? Yeah, they'd have to take each frame of that Nidorino gif, add it as an image, and then code it to cycle through the images. Say that animation has 30 frames, and they want to run it at 10 frames per second, they'd need to make the device update the image every tenth of a second, then after three seconds, loop back to the first image, which can cause a lot of strain on devices like android. That's unfortunately why it's not very feasible for them to add the 3D models, even as gifs, because it would stop running on most Androids easily.
  12. then... the file system doesn't supports gifs? No it doesn't, as far as I know there's not any core coding languages that support just inserting a gif and letting it run. You have to manually cycle the images to make the animation, which would cause unnecessary load on lower end devices.
  13. The biggest problem with the current Queue system is the wait. Depending on when you try to log in, it can be 30min to an hour. Not going to be complaining about that here, but because it can be such a long wait, I often am doing other things during the wait, but then I won't know I get logged in, and then will get disconnected for being AFK. I think a good quality of life improvement would be if the game will pop up to the front of the windows, or even just flash a notification in some way to let you know you've been logged in.
  14. Definitely would like to see this option. Could either be a coin shop or a salon in game (like in X/Y) that accepts coins or the in-game currency. On a side not for customization, I'd really love to see the hairstyles accessible to everyone instead of having ones specific to boy/girl. I really liked one of the girl's hairstyles but didn't want to be running around in a skirt. :Cry:
  15. My only issue with the queue system is that with queue times sometimes being long, I'll miss it logging me in and then get booted for AFK. Making PRO pop up to focus or flash active (like when you get a Skype message) would probably be a huge quality of life improvement.
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