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  1. Hi, I have visited all three spawn that are in the wiki https://prowiki.info/index.php?title=Lake_Trio_Quest#Adamant_Orb but it's not here. Is there any more spawn not documented ? Kaechi
  2. around 9 a.m. PST i saw a guy asking for help in the help channel that he was stuck on hoann elite 4, i told him i'd lend him out my level 100 pokemon for free to help him out. put 5 level 100's in the trade, hit lend for 2 hours (as he requested) it's been 3 hours now and i've recieved 2 pokemon from him early, 2 pokemon from expire, but 1 is still missing.
  3. I want to evolve my feebas with somebody price: 10k
  4. I find this little mistake where I am trapped under or on top of a tree that was not there before. I can not move (Try to use a escape rope but do not buy) silver server -I left the pj there the last time I connected and when I returned, they placed a tree where it was located.
  5. i became the johto champion, I have 361 hours of playtime, Ive caught all kanto pokes, defeated Lance in dragons den, got the dragons medalion and defeated mewtwo, i went to pallet town and talked to prof. oak and then i went to celadon and talked to the old man and he said iam not ready for this treasure yet. is this a bug?
  6. I was grinding levels for my charmander and once i hit level 28 i was able to learn the move "Flame Burst" and also evolve my charmander into charmeleon (Thing i wasnt gonna do btw), the thing is that once i was gonna learn Flame Burst and change it for Scratch my client crashed so i logged back on and when i log on, the GUI of the "Learn Move" was still there, but the Evolution GUI dissapeared, so i just tried learning the move and it didnt let me, so i tried learning it by removing any of the other moves and even clicking "Do Not Learn This Move" and nothing worked so i tried to relog and the gui was still there, i cant change pokemons, i tried giving my charmander an HM and it just consumed it without showing me another GUI or overwritting the one that was there, i dont know what to do and it is annoying because it takes a big chunk of the screen and i actually wanted to learn it
  7. Hi, ive been trying to download the mapping tiles from this link https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/index.php?resources/pro-mapping-tilesheets.10/ but there appears to be no content so I am unable to get said tiles. Is this an issue on my end or have you removed the tiles as you no longer wish for them to be of public use as I am interested In learning to map
  8. Hello, I contact you because it is practically impossible for me since 2 days to connect to the Silver Server. Yesterday it was really difficult with repeated disconnections (more than usual), I had to change my password to be able to connect. But today it's impossible to log in, even if I change my password, nothing. It's still extremely frustrating. A solution please? Sincerely, Guesh.
  9. I don't know what's the problem. "Connection lost"...
  10. I recently released ferrothorn and didnt had any pic or save of his id.is there a way to get it back.
  11. I found a drought Vulpix and while the ability seems to function fine in wild encounters neither the icon or text promp are appearing in trainer battles. Does the ability still work and it's a visual thing or is it bugged completely?
  12. Guest

    Weird bug in party.

    Hey. I already did delete the client and dl again, so i wont do that again. But i have a really weird bug, where i can't move or give the poke in position 4 - i tried to remove the pokes back to pc a few times, but the bug still happens, it happened after the recent crash.
  13. Hello I have the error of the patch download in Windows, I followed the steps that were in the forum to solve it but it has not result, here is the information you ask to solve it: -My client version is the x64 bits -My anti-virus is avast free antivirus Thanks in advance for the help. patcherError.txt
  14. I wanted to trade my haunter with my friend to evolve it. But I captured it in johto so my friend can't give it back to me because he is only in kanto. How can I have my poke back?
  15. I m just tired and frustrated of redownloading the game again and again whenever an update comes out. Last time this patcher got stuck somewhere in the middle and waited for an entire night! I slept and When I woke up it was still stuck. I tried 3 times but the patcher just dont move. and then I had to redownload the entire game again in the hope that maybe next time I wont have to redownload it again But no , I was wrong. This time in the first try it got stuck .... manually closed the patcher and tried all again and second time it gave me this error - I cant and I wont redownload the entire game file again. I download episodes of my fav anime everyday and I cant miss on it. I have pokes of other players in my account who want them back and I wont redownload the entire game just to return them. Ban me or do whatever you feel for not returning the pokes. I am really angry and I dont care anymore. I wanna hunt easter pokes cmon.. Please help me.
  16. Hi, When i launch the game, i see quickly a message: no patch available for this version. But the game still launch. but when i try to join the silver version server, i can't. The game says that the connection is lost, but how do i fix this?
  17. hello sir, why i can't log on to the game? what the heck! silver and gold!
  18. I am an old player who was a part of the original server set. I did not play for quite some time after the server merger that created silver. I can log into gold however i cannot log into silver (where my old pokemon should be). I changed the password for silver to be the same as gold but that doesnt seem to have made a difference. Can i get some help please?
  19. it says connection lost every time I try. but It lets me log onto gold... any insight on what that is about?
  20. Hi all, I havent been able to locking in for about 10 hours now on silver server. Its says Connection lost all the time, gold server is no problem. Is there and server status or am i lost here? Best regards Danni Madsen
  21. still cant log in because connetion loss
  22. been fighting officer jenny in pinkan i was winning she\ had her last poke deployed, and guess what.
  23. hello everyone...i want 2 know why i cant learn my skarmory counter?? also why my skarmory cant learn the tm whirlwind but can as an eggmove? is it bugged or something else? ty in advance!!
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