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  1. Hello. (Apologies for not so great english) Im currently stuck in Alto Mare Pokecenter, everything is working fine excluding movement. I can talk with other players, spin around and have PvP fights. I saw some posts about similiar problems back in 2021 and i was just wondering is there anything that can be done to set my free? Thank you in advance!
  2. Hey, I am having the same problem
  3. During a battle i bugged out so i log out and now its always telling me im logged in so idk if should hijack a tread about it or not im demonmic36 on silver server thanks in advance and very sry for the annoyance of this thread
  4. Buenas noches, estoy queriendo entrar a mi cuenta, y no puedo, y como ven en la imagen, me sale que ya estoy dentro. Por favor, ayúdenme a recuperar mi cuenta. Mi usuario es Dieguito0601 Gracias.
  5. Has been sorted apologies for wasting your time Just wanting some verification if possible on who won my recent auction (link provided) Believe the auction started at 10:43:01 my time and I tried to close it at that hour but two more bids came through at the same time. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you! https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/235752-valentines-salamence-intimidateadamant-30-atk/#comment-14176
  6. I accidentally released my heracross level 13 could you please restore it for me? The id is 73174668 thnx in advance.
  7. ingameName:qek only in sliver server gold server can login When my gaming network is not good and I disconnect. Then I couldn't log in. I tried changing my password and switching devices, but it didn't work. Dashboard It shows that I have been online all along, starting from the day before yesterday
  8. Que alguien me ayude, donde puedo descargar el archivo de pokemon en Android porfavor que lo descargo y sale que el paquete está dañado
  9. Hello, can Anyone please let me know when will this issue be fix. With the app download on Android
  10. Buenas consulta....ingrese hoy y mis item no tienen nombre por que razon? y otra esta el pajaro legendio zapdos para capturar?
  11. Hi, I was wanted to buy 700 Super repels, instead bought 700 super potions by mistake, can this be reverted? none of the items bought are used. Please help. in game id: Paulpinak
  12. Hi! I am trying to do the zekrom quest. For the tournament in the beginning of the quest you need to win 5 rounds or win 12 points. I have won the first 3 rounds, But now none of the npcs in this video guide want to battle me. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-FIUzDHwuLA&t=306s If I look on the board it says 'Mako' is the only one left with points. I have looked everywhere I cannot find this npc anywhere. Please help. Where is he? EDIT I realize u can forfeit the tourny by registering another pokemon. I have won the tournament I still havent found Mako
  13. I hope you are well, I don't know when I deleted my manaphy by mistake and I don't know what to do to recover it or if I already considered it lost , I read that with the ID you could return but I don't have it :(, I hope to receive an answer or help, thank you,
  14. Hello, I was in a rush for helping a friend evolve his Kadabra to Alakazam and gave him my lvl 100 Bronzong because I was full, now my Bronzong is stuck in his PC, any way to help me with this pretty please ? I understand if this is really not doable. If not, is my friend required to do all 16 first badges ? I think I caught that Bronzor in Johto Or is 8 just enough ? Thanks in advance !
  15. Hi, I inadvertently posted a price for an offer that is not on my server. Is it possible to remove it? It's this auction : https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/234313-epic-31-spd-jolly-charizard-and-epic-31spd-timid-ha-alakazam/#comment-1408041
  16. When I did the mega sableye quest , I submitted wrong lv100 sableye , Is there any way to get it back?
  17. Hello der support, I was doing with some guildmates the lavender dungeon and then bisharps respawn and i coudnt fight to them or leave my spot. Is there a way that u guys help me out? Need also to get my rewards
  18. Hello good deleted this pokemon without meaning to, there will be some way to be able to recover it from the screenshot of the pokemon plus its id
  19. i dont have a pic but it was an imp mudkip me and lacomaus bid on it
  20. Hi, I'm facing some troubles downloading PRO on windows after the new update like whenever I download it and extract.. Only the file "baselib.dll" Appears.. I don't know what's the issue.. I tried to switch browsers too and installed and uninstalled for about 20times but it's not working, only that specific file shows up.
  21. What exactly is going on may I know. Because I'm new, and I see nothing but fun and glory in this game, so why such sorry
  22. Hi, I have completed all the requirements to be able to catch one of the legendary dogs, I still can't do it, I have the necessary hours, completed the Johto league, have their seen data from there respective locations, have johto pokedex completed with lugia and ho-ho caught data, have the bell for the dog i want, beaten 3 time on a row the guardian but still no appear the dog. Please let me know if there is something I am doing wrong or if it is a bug.
  23. Unable to move anywhere. Stuck on map. Requesting help
  24. it will be really help plz restore my mew.. I think it got deleted bymistake
  25. Hi! So I was testing these xmas charizard chroma on my mount and realised that we can't remove the chroma skin once we painted it :d and I like the normal xmas mega charizard x mount than the chroma one. Can I get my normal mount back somehow? And also one of my pokemon is missing its a 100lvl dragonite ada ha, ot is immortalrager. Can I know who has it right now
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