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  1. TRADE RULES NOTE: When trading as part of an auction, be aware that in addition to the rules listed below, all Auction Rules apply. GENERAL TRADE RULES 1. When advertising, be clear and accurate about what you are buying or selling. - When stating a Pokemon is IV+ (25+, 26+, etc), all stats must be equal to, or above the advertised numbers. › Exception: Decreased ATK, SPATK or SPD stats. › e.g. A Timid Pokemon may be advertised as 25+, if all stats except Attack are equal to, or above 25. 2. Announcing a lend, sale, offer or bid with no intention or means to follow through is prohibited. 3. Once a deal is agreed upon, you cannot back out of it. A deal is done in one of these two scenarios: - In-game: Both parties have agreed to a price and location. - Forum & Auction: An Insta or Fixed Price has been met, or auction won. 4. Scamming, Misleading or Deceiving players is prohibited. 5. Reserves (buy now, pay later agreements) are prohibited. Players must have the means to make full payment from the time of committing to a trade agreement (making an offer, bid, or agreeing to a deal) until completion of the trade or outbid. 6. Offers received outside of an auction cannot be: - Claimed or used as current or best offer. - Used as a starting bid without the buyer's permission. 7. Trades outside of official PRO platforms (Forum, In-game, Discord) are not supported, or enforced by PRO Staff. - Reports or evidence regarding trade agreements made on Discord may not be accepted. 8. All goods gained or traded as a result of an Account Hack or Scam will be forcefully corrected, any trade agreements made in such circumstances will be considered void. - In the event that a trade agreement has been made, or a trade has taken place with any third party involving goods gained via an Account Hack, this will be forcefully reversed where possible, regardless of known or direct involvement. 9. When making a service agreement (Level-Up, EV-Training, Lending, PokeDex Data, Story / Quest, etc), players must take full responsibility to ensure that the service is completed as agreed. Any actions not approved by the agreement are prohibited. - This includes: unapproved trades to or from own accounts or third parties, irreversible damage (evolving), payment is made, etc. › Evidence of these agreements must be made and kept, and made available upon Staff request. This is the responsibility of both parties. › Services that involve account sharing (Story, Quest, etc) are permitted, but not recommended. See Rule No.3 of the Game Rules for further details. CROSS SERVER RULES 1. Cross Server sales and auctions must be posted in the Trades - Cross Server sub-forum. 2. When moving an existing Selling thread from Silver or Gold forums to Cross Server, the current thread must first be marked as closed. - Auction: Once started, an auction thread cannot be moved. 3. When a trade agreement is made concerning players from different servers, the responsibility of transferring lies with the thread creator. - This rule does not apply when there is an explicit written agreement between the buyer and seller about who will transfer to honour the deal. Evidence of this agreement must be made and kept, and made available upon Staff request. › When posting in Selling Pokemon - Cross Server, the seller must be prepared to transfer, should the buyer be from the opposite server. › When posting in Buying Pokemon - Cross Server, the buyer must be prepared to transfer, should the seller be from the opposite server. TRADE TERMINOLOGY • WTS, WTB & WTT. - WTS (Want To Sell), WTB (Want To Buy), and WTT (Want to Trade) indicates the user's intention when making their trade post or thread. • LFM. - LFM (Looking For More) is used by a seller to indicate that they are looking for a higher offer. • SO, BO & CO. - SO (Starting Offer) indicates the minimum offer required to begin an auction. BO (Best Offer) & CO (Current Offer) are both used to indicate the current highest offer in an auction. › Auction use only. › Evidence of all offers must be made and kept to be made available upon Staff request. Timestamps are preferred. • Fixed Price. - A set price, specified by seller, that once met will result in an immediate sale, ignoring all other offers. › Applies to standard sales (non-auction sales e.g. In-game & Forum Sales, Forum Shops, etc), and must be treated as Insta. • Instant Price / Insta. - An instant price, specified by the seller, that once met will immediately end the auction, ignoring all other offers and bids. › Auction use only. • Trade Agreement / Deal. - A deal is done one of these two scenarios: › In-game: Both parties have agreed to a price and location. › Forum & Auction: An Insta or Fixed Price has been met. • False Buying / Selling. - Agreeing to buy or sell, but going back on the deal before the trade has taken place. • False Offering / Bidding. - Making an offer or bid with no intent or means to follow through. This also includes retracted or cancelled bids. • Misleading / Deceiving. - Intentionally giving another user false information, hiding or manipulating information before or after the trade has taken place. • Scamming. - Breaking a trade agreement once the trade has taken place. › e.g. Not returning a lend, breaking a Service agreement etc. TYPES OF TRADE FORUMS • Selling Pokemon. - Use this forum to sell non-variant Pokemon only. This includes both standard sales and auctions. › Do not sell Shiny or Special Pokemon, Shop Coins, Items or Services here. - You may sell up to 5 Pokemon per thread. › To sell 6 or more Pokemon in a single thread, use the Pokemon Shops sub-forum. • Buying Pokemon. - Use this forum to advertise that you are looking to buy a Pokemon. › Be specific to help others identify your posts. • Shiny & Special Pokemon. - Use this forum to sell Shiny & Special Pokemon only. This includes both standard sales and auctions. You may also create your own personalised Shiny / Special Shop here. › Do not sell non-variant Pokemon, Shop Coins, Items or Services here. • Pokemon Shops. - Use this forum when selling 6 or more non-variant Pokemon. › Do not sell Shiny or Special Pokemon, Coins, Items or Services here. • Service Shops. - Use this forum to sell a service, or advertise that you are looking for a service provider. This includes Daycare, Lending, PokeDex Data services, etc. You may also create your own personalised Service Shop here. › Do not sell or buy Pokemon, Shop Coins or Items here. • Coins & Items. - Use this forum to sell, or advertise that you are looking to buy Shop Coins or Items. You may also create your own personalised Coin / Item shop here. › Do not sell or buy Pokemon or Services here. • Rate / Price Checks. - Use this forum to request Ratings or Price Checks from other users. This applies to Pokemon, Items and Services. › Do not sell or buy Pokemon, Shop Coins, Items or Services here. CONTACTING A TRADE MODERATOR Before contacting a Trade Moderator for support, please ensure that you have read the Important Information & How To Report Guide. - If you would like to close your thread for any reason, please edit the topic title to make Trade Moderators aware. › This can include "Sold", "Close", "Can be Closed", "Please Lock", etc. › If you would like to re-open a locked shop for any reason, please report the thread using the Report button, or, contact a Trade Moderator via PM with a request to unlock the topic. Please include a direct link to the topic you would like to unlock. - If you do require the support from a Trade Moderator to resolve a trade issue, please do one of the following: › Make a report in the Report Center with the name of the user(s) you are reporting, a brief description of the infraction, and evidence. › To report a specific post or thread, use the "Report" button. This can be located at the bottom of each post here: CREDITS TO: Flik & Rekkuza: Established first Trade Rules thread. Khlover & Arkos: Held threads and updated them while active Moderators. Letrix: Revamped the trade forums, along with Trade Rules & Important Information. Logan, Tigerous, Salt & Hercules: Made several additions, changes and clarifications to Trade Rules. Logan: Created Auction Rules & Guide. Hawluchaa & Ehkoe: Revamped Trade & Auction Rules.
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  2. AUCTION RULES NOTE: When trading as part of an auction, be aware that in addition to the rules listed below, all General Trade Rules apply. GENERAL AUCTION RULES | for buyers. 1. Making an offer or bid with no intention or means to follow through is prohibited. 2. Bids cannot be withdrawn once placed. - In-game: Bids cannot be edited. - Forum: Bids may be edited, however, they cannot be changed to a lower price than initially set. › We recommend that buyers make and keep evidence of their bids. Timestamps are preferred. This is not necessary where bids are placed on the forum. 3. Bidders must have the means to honour their offer both: - On the account the bid is made from. › Forum: If you intend to make payment from an alt account, different to the one used to make the bid on forums, specify clearly which account the payment will be made from. › e.g. This may apply in cases where an account is forum banned. - At the time of making the bid, and must remain available until outbid, or auction end. GENERAL AUCTION RULES | for sellers. 1. Auctions cannot be cancelled once started. 2. All bids must be acknowledged, and all current/best offers must be publicly announced with the bidder's username and bid amount. - In-game: This applies to every trade post related to the auction. Evidence of all bids received must be made and kept, to be made available upon Staff request. Timestamps are preferred. - Forum: This applies to every in-game bid received, and must be acknowledged in the auction thread with a screenshot. Timestamps are preferred. › This does not apply to bids received on the forum. › Bids made on Discord are not valid or accepted. - Accepting known false bids (from alternative account, friend, guildmate, etc) is prohibited. 3. Offers received outside of an auction cannot be: - Claimed or used as current or best offer. - Used as a starting bid without the buyer's permission. 4. Auction winners must be publicly announced. - In-game: A trade post must be made to announce the end of the auction, with the winning bidder's username and bid amount. - Forum: A reply on the auction thread must be made with a screenshot of the completed trade window. › In the event that the auctioned Pokemon/Item is traded to the wrong player, the trade will be forcefully reversed and traded to the rightful winner. › In the event that the winning bid is a false offer, the bid will be made void, and the auction win will be offered to the runner-up. Runner-ups are not obligated to honour their bid in these cases. Where no runner-up is available, the auction will be made null and void. 5. When advertising, make it clear what Pokemon/Item is being auctioned. - In-game: For Pokemon, include a link. For items, include the full name of the Item. - Forum: For Pokemon, include a screenshot. For items, include the full name of the Item. 6. When moving an existing Selling thread from Silver or Gold forums to Cross Server, the current thread must first be marked as closed. - Auction: Once started, an auction thread cannot be moved. 7. Starting price/point must be clearly stated. Once met, the auction has started. - In-game: › As of start point, this may be one of the following 2 options: a specified time (e.g. "day/month/year hour:minute a.m./p.m. & Timezone"), or instantly as of the trade post (e.g. "begins now"). › As of start price, specified by the seller. - Forum: › As of start point, this may be one of the following 2 options: a specified time (e.g. "day/month/year hour:minute a.m./p.m. & Timezone"), or instantly as of the trade post (e.g. "as of thread creation"). › As of start price, specified by the seller. 8. End point must be clearly stated before the auction has started. This cannot be changed once the auction has begun. 9. End point is final and must be honoured. - In-game: End points cannot be extended for any reason, and must be accurate to the second that the auction is set to end. It is recommended to use timestamps to manage your auction correctly. › e.g. If the auction ends at 15:00:00, bids are valid until 14:59:59 and no later. - Forum: If a bid is received in the final 15 minutes of the auction, the end point will be delayed by 15 minutes from that bid, and will be delayed by 15 minutes for each new bid thereafter, until the current offer has been held for a full 15 minutes. Must be accurate to the minute that the auction is set to end. › e.g. If the auction ends at 15:00, it will end at 15:00:00. If a late bid is received in the final 15 minutes, at 14:46, the auction will end at 15:01. If another user bids at 15:00, the auction will be extended again, and will end at 15:15, this will be repeated until the current offer has been held for a full 15 minutes. 10. Last calls are prohibited. 11. Insta Prices, Minimum Raises and Accepted Payments are optional, however, if set, must be announced in public, and cannot be changed, negotiated or added once: - In-game: The auction has been announced. - Forum: The auction has started. 12. Insta prices, if met, must be honoured. Please read Rule No.10 of the General Trade Rules for more details. 13. Accepted Payments may be offered as an additional or alternative form of payment to pokedollars. These must: - Be specified by the seller. - Be an item, and its value in pokedollars must be clearly specified by the seller. › e.g. "1x Coin Capsule = 400K, 1x Reroll Ticket = 800K". › Pokemon cannot be offered as an Accepted Payment. AUCTION FORMATTING & TEMPLATE SUGGESTIONS Auctioneers are welcome to use a suggested Auction Template, in order to advertise a valid auction: • Forum: Please feel free to copy and paste the format below: [Pokemon / Item] Start Point/Price: End Point: Insta: Min. Raise: Accepted Payment(s): • In-game: To begin an auction. - wts <Pokemon> - s.o. - insta - min raise - auction end X minutes after s.o. is met. e.g. › e.g. - wts <Pokemon> - s.o. - insta - min raise - auction end at hour:minute a.m./p.m. timezone+0. › e.g. • In-game: To announce an ongoing auction: - wts <Pokemon> - c.o. - bidder's name - insta - min raise - auction end in X minutes. › e.g. - wts <Pokemon> - c.o. - bidder's name - insta - min raise - auction end at hour:minute a.m./p.m. timezone+0. › e.g. • Timezone Helpers: - There are multiple world clock/timezone converters on the internet, feel free to find and use your own preferred tools, however, if you need help getting started, we recommend World Time Buddy, as it also accounts for areas of the globe that observe Daylight Savings. - For those who prefer to use mobile, World Time Buddy also offers a mobile app (available on both iOS and Android). CONTACTING A TRADE MODERATOR Before contacting a Trade Moderator for support, please ensure that you have read the Important Information & How To Report Guide. - If you would like to close your thread for any reason, please edit the topic title to make Trade Moderators aware. › This can include "Sold", "Close", "Can be Closed", "Please Lock", etc. › If you would like to re-open a locked shop for any reason, please report the thread using the Report button, or contact a Trade Moderator via PM with a request to unlock the topic. Please include a direct link to the topic you would like to unlock. - If you do require the support from a Trade Moderator to resolve a trade issue, please do one of the following: › Make a report in the Report Center with the name of the user(s) you are reporting, a brief description of the infraction, and evidence. › To report a specific post or thread, use the "Report" button. This can be located at the bottom of each post here: CREDITS TO: Logan: Created original Legitimate/Valid Auction Guide. Tigerous, Salt & Hercules: Made several Trade Rule additions, changes and clarifications. Epiales & Equilibrium: For feedback on original Legitimate/Valid Auction Guide from player-staff perspective. Hawluchaa & Ehkoe: Revamped Trade & Auction Rules.
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