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Need help [LOCKED]


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Hello ... im borring because im banned .. itsnt correct the player wants to sell a moint sheap .. and i dont want sell low for 60k and he said only 50k ..

Use a tralator pliss

La verdad espero que usen un traductor. No me parece justo que me baneen y no pueda hacer trade por un jugador que me dice que me va a dar 60k por una montura de lapras y cuando llega me obliga a darsela por 50k ese no fue el trato.. y mas que an pasado mas de 5 dias y no pueda hacer trade .... antes el baniado debe de ser el .. y cua do la gente incumple los tratos y lo reporto no pasa nada con ellos .. soy un jugador justo y lo que digo lo cumplo pero mucho probl3matico en el game que abusa de reportar jugadores.. quiero saber por cuanto tiempo me van a banear o dejo de jugar ... sin trade no es lo mismo

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Hello ... im borring because im banned .. itsnt correct the player wants to sell a moint sheap .. and i dont want sell low for 60k and he said only 50k ..

Use a tralator pliss

La verdad espero que usen un traductor. No me parece justo que me baneen y no pueda hacer trade por un jugador que me dice que me va a dar 60k por una montura de lapras y cuando llega me obliga a darsela por 50k ese no fue el trato.. y mas que an pasado mas de 5 dias y no pueda hacer trade .... antes el baniado debe de ser el .. y cua do la gente incumple los tratos y lo reporto no pasa nada con ellos .. soy un jugador justo y lo que digo lo cumplo pero mucho probl3matico en el game que abusa de reportar jugadores.. quiero saber por cuanto tiempo me van a banear o dejo de jugar ... sin trade no es lo mismo

Hello there! If you are banned, you should be able to check the reason in the Dashboard. Furthermore, bans should not be discussed in this sub-forum. Despite this, you may make a thread under Discipline Appeals if you feel that this ban is unjust in any way. It is also good to note that bans are not performed without proper evidence. Please be patient as you wait for a staff member to respond. You may bump your thread every 24 hours.


If it doesn’t say that you are banned on the dashboard, you can ask about the reason in your Appeal. However, there are cases where your account isn’t actually banned although there is something on your connection that is. Therefore, please double check with the following questions!

▪︎ Are you using Proxy?

Try not using it, and then test again


▪︎ Are you trying to play at home/work/school?

Your school/work or any public connection, they could have had their IP blocked already or be blocking the game on their network, you would need to ask them to find if that's the case


It could also be your provider blocking the game, which case you could try contacting your internet provider to try and get it unblocked as seen in this postYou could also use a VPN although you should check you're allowed first.


With all that said, I wish you the best of luck and will now be locking this thread.


Good luck and have a great day!


General Support PRO Reporting Punishment Policy Discipline Appeals


Please do not contact staff members for private support.

Share your questions on the forums, as they can then be of use to others.

Unsolicited messages will be sent to the Black Forest, never to be seen again.

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