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Hey @Minkop! It's no problem, I aswell didn't know how to do that before but now I do.


1) Go to https://sprites.pokecheck.org/

2) Choose the pokemon you want by switching gens

3) Right click the pokemon you want & click on "Copy image link"

4) When you copy it, paste it on the topic you created like "https://sprites.pokecheck.org/i/500.gif" ( without the "," )

5) That's not all! add: (next%20to%20https%3A//)%20and (after .gif)

6) Then your desired pokemon will appear: 500.gif


PS: Quote this reply of mine so you can see how I put the ()%20and%20() on the 6th or just check this screenshot: https://prntscr.com/9jntim


Moved to proper forum.


Bring up your pokemons summary and screenshot it, after cropping the summary page, upload them to an online image sharing website.


Once you have the direct image link do as the following :


[ img ] < link > [ /img ]


...And all will burn, beneath the shadow of my wings.

77762 Moved to proper forum.


Bring up your pokemons summary and screenshot it, after cropping the summary page, upload them to an online image sharing website.


Once you have the direct image link do as the following :


[ img ] < link > [ /img ]


@Minkop, I would advise you to download Lightshot.

Download Link: https://app.prntscr.com/en/index.html

Why download Lightshot? Well because it's the best screenshotting programm. You download it and once its downloaded, you press your "imp pnt" button on the keyboard or if its under another key then you select the area where you want to screenshot by selecting it like a square or rectangle with your mouse on the area and then bellow the thing that you selected, there will be a small cloud icon that you should click so it can load you the link for it and then just press the button "copy" and then do as what @Deathwing said.

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