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Hello everyone!


To start sorry for my bad English, I'm French, I use google translation and I apologize.


Then I did not know where to post it on the forum, so I put it here I hope I'm in the right place.


I have just started PRO, my pokémons are around lvl 35.

But I have several questions, I hope to have an answer.


- Where can I find a fire stone?

I searched the forum, I did not find.


- How are evolutions changing to have alakazam, ectoplasma, etc ...?

I saw that there were exchanges on the game, but where can we make an exchange?


- Where can I find the earthquake side?


Thank you in advance for your answers.


Good game everyone!


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You know the kanto city, Celadon city?

There is a big building inside, a mall. On a certain floor of the mall,

a NPC sells Firestone/ Waterstone/ Thunderstone/ Leafstone to you.


Alakazam, is a pokemon you obtain via trading with other players;

To trade, you need the fourth badge of kanto gyms, which is also the Celadon city gym!

(I assume ectoplasma is gengar? Then it is the same way of evo-ing)


NOTE: Only trade with players you trust, there are scammers lurking everywhere;

Take screenshots of trade window, as to use them for report later, if needed.


Earthquake TM is only obtain via NPC inside Viridan gym, of course, you need to win that gym first!

It is the 8th gym of kanto.

I am just a casual player, travelling around the regions, catching and hunting pokemons I find likeable~

Hello everyone!


To start sorry for my bad English, I'm French, I use google translation and I apologize.


Then I did not know where to post it on the forum, so I put it here I hope I'm in the right place.


I have just started PRO, my pokémons are around lvl 35.

But I have several questions, I hope to have an answer.


- Where can I find a fire stone?

I searched the forum, I did not find.


- How are evolutions changing to have alakazam, ectoplasma, etc ...?

I saw that there were exchanges on the game, but where can we make an exchange?


- Where can I find the earthquake side?


Thank you in advance for your answers.


Good game everyone!


Hi there. Please do note that when asking questions, you may post them under General Support. Nevertheless, I'm happy to answer your questions.


Where can I find a fire stone?

You can buy a fire stone from players or from every Department Store. Kanto's Department Store is in Celadon and it will cost 2.1k. There are also wild pokemon as shown below, that have a 5% chance to hold a fire stone. You can take the item from them by using Covet/Thief. Although please ensure that your pokemon's item slot is free. You may also use a pokemon with frisk to aid you.

Fire Stone
#Pokemon   Map                         Area  Daytime  Rarity  MS   Level
Eevee      Safari Area 3               Land  D        Tier 9  No   23-24
Growlithe  Mt. Pyre Exterior           Land  M/D/N    Tier 4  Yes  24-29
Pansear    Safari Johto Mountain Zone  Land  M/D/N    Tier 6  No   17-21
Rapidash   Mt. Silver Exterior         Land  M/D/N    Tier 6  No   32-40
Vulpix     Mt. Pyre Summit             Land  M/D/N    Tier 4  No   21-26


How are evolutions changing to have alakazam, ectoplasma, etc ...?

In order to evolve pokemon like Kadabra into Alakazam, you'll have to trade them. You can only trade with players once you've gotten the Rainbow badge, which is the 4th badge in Kanto. This badge will also allow you to talk in the in-game Trade chat. Please make sure to screenshot each trade and deal in order to prevent yourself from getting scammed. You may report players in the Report Center if you were wronged or if the pokemon was stolen.


Where can I find the earthquake side?

You can get the Earthquake TM at the following locations:

• Viridian City Gym - $6,000 - Special Offer: 5 for $24,000

• Bruno Boss Battle Reward


For future reference, you can check where you can get a TM/Move by doing ^info <Move> in #bot-commands in our Official PRO Discord.


Let me know if you need further help.


General Support PRO Reporting Punishment Policy Discipline Appeals


Please do not contact staff members for private support.

Share your questions on the forums, as they can then be of use to others.

Unsolicited messages will be sent to the Black Forest, never to be seen again.

Thank you for your answers, it will help me.

Glad to hear that your issue has been resolved. If you have any further questions, please don't hesitate to ask. With that said, will now be locking this thread.


Good luck and have a great day!


General Support PRO Reporting Punishment Policy Discipline Appeals


Please do not contact staff members for private support.

Share your questions on the forums, as they can then be of use to others.

Unsolicited messages will be sent to the Black Forest, never to be seen again.

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