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Hello guys, i have a few questions about how PvP goes at the moment in PRO.


Since i am still grinding the game, i didnt have the occasion to see any competitive battling, so i am still in the dark in that aspect :

With the buggued/non available moves and pokemons, how is the metagame growing ? Do you have some pokemons that you see very often in some specific roles ? (more than in the handheld games meta i mean).


Since there are no legendaries available, are there still (unofficial) tiers like those used by smogon ? Do people abuse sleep, rng or some strats that wouldnt be allowed in OU ?


I may have some other questions for the future, but i really want to get a good idea on how is the meta going before i think about the team i will want to play.


Thanks in advance for everyone taking time to answer :)

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During the first few seconds of the battle, most people attempt to either:

1. Set up hazards (e.g. Fortress, Skarmony, etc)

2. Use stat boosting moves (e.g. Scizor's Sword Dance, Cloyster's Shell Smash) in order to sweep out the entire team


Btw, there is a legendary pokemon available (e.g. Mew) Although, it's not that often used in battle.


[glow=red]SkyHorizon's Guild Thread[/glow]:


[glow=red]SkyHorizon's Trade Center[/glow]: https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=95&t=11984

[glow=red]SkyHorizon's Daycare Center[/glow]: https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=72&t=17049

78754 During the first few seconds of the battle, most people attempt to either:

1. Set up hazards (e.g. Fortress, Skarmony, etc)

2. Use stat boosting moves (e.g. Scizor's Sword Dance, Cloyster's Shell Smash) in order to sweep out the entire team


Btw, there is a legendary pokemon available (e.g. Mew) Although, it's not that often used in battle.


this isnt going to help you much at all.. while we do have boosters to sweep scizor is walled by gyara and skarm and cloy is hardly used. Toxic stallers are the real problem right now... there was a post with pro's "OU", "uu" etc pokemon, i just cant find it now lol... could have sworn it was in general talk section.

mLcUOgl - Imgur.png

So in terms of openers, it is more often classic entry hazard as in classic metagame... But with no focus sash available (atm it's destroyed on use, so for competitive using...) are entry hazard THAT vital ?

And in that topic, how are played shell smash cloyster without focus sash ? They rely on entry hazard openers with low pressure ? I mean couldnt Aerodactyl just os cloyster on the shell smash turn with a good rock stab ?

Cloyster is one of my favourite pokemon for PvP so i'm really interested in that matter ^^

78750 Hello guys, i have a few questions about how PvP goes at the moment in PRO.


Since i am still grinding the game, i didnt have the occasion to see any competitive battling, so i am still in the dark in that aspect :

With the buggued/non available moves and pokemons, how is the metagame growing ? Do you have some pokemons that you see very often in some specific roles ? (more than in the handheld games meta i mean).


Since there are no legendaries available, are there still (unofficial) tiers like those used by smogon ? Do people abuse sleep, rng or some strats that wouldnt be allowed in OU ?


I may have some other questions for the future, but i really want to get a good idea on how is the meta going before i think about the team i will want to play.


Thanks in advance for everyone taking time to answer :)

i mostly see breloom/azumarill/weather setter/stealth rock setter as lead atm.

with no egg moves and many tms.. well some of the prominent pokes like skarmory/hippodown/chansey/slowbro dont have roost/slack off/aromatherapy/calm mind. and magic gaurd/bounce doesnt work.

The most common poke has to be gyarados for me..easiy to catch and great dd abuser.

pokes dat are used more than in handhelds are donpahn/ninetail/kingdra etc

yea pple use mew...and abuse spore(sleeping whole team),ohko allowed,etc

and weather like rain* is very common with sun being used minimally.

no sand teams though.


and weather like run is very common with sun being used minimumly.

no sand teams though.


I was playing a strong sun team on gen 5 (everyone was kinda running weather teams at this point with the permanent weather from politoed/tyranitar/ninetails and even abomasnow), but since you get only 5 turns of weather, is it still that good to run a sun team including a pretty weak poke like ninetails ?


If weather is still a thing, i'd be very interested if i could run a snow team since there are no specific rules about evasion, it may not be the strongest one but defenitely something i want to try. Maybe a rain team if the snow team comp is not fully available/working correctly.


Anyways, thank you for the info, now i got something to work around :Smile:


and weather like run is very common with sun being used minimumly.

no sand teams though.


I was playing a strong sun team on gen 5 (everyone was kinda running weather teams at this point with the permanent weather from politoed/tyranitar/ninetails and even abomasnow), but since you get only 5 turns of weather, is it still that good to run a sun team including a pretty weak poke like ninetails ?


If weather is still a thing, i'd be very interested if i could run a snow team since there are no specific rules about evasion, it may not be the strongest one but defenitely something i want to try. Maybe a rain team if the snow team comp is not fully available/working correctly.


Anyways, thank you for the info, now i got something to work around :Smile:

yea weather isnt permanent now there is damp rock for rain but idk abt heat rock for sun.

if you arent prepared for it then yea sun can be quite devastating but its usually charizard+ninetails so handle able

there are no clauses so go with what u like..

Rain team is pretty much the meta atm. As for strong leads you have,


staraptor (counters other prominent leads such as machamp/breloom and intimidate makes it easier to switch out of weavile or azumaril)


Machamp (counters weavile and most other pokemon that can't ohko are usually forced out, meaning something else has to eat a stab dynamic punch while also being inflicted by confuse)


Weavile (besides fairy / fighting / dark / steel types, everything else pretty much dies to a 6 party beat-up. Extremely difficult to switch into as well and is probably the reason why most ppl start with machamp / breloom / azumaril )


Breloom (spore. Nuff said. Though Mach punch to kill weavile helps too)


Azumaril (hits very hard and is fairly tanky. Access to knock off and superpower round off its coverage.)


Besides these you do see clefable (stealth rock/toxic/twave) / skarmory (hazards) / politoed / ninetales a fair amount as well. Ttar fell off with the rise of staraptor / azumaril / champ / breloom and scizor is usually saved to sweep later (both of these were prominent earlier on in the game)


As for physical sweepers you have gyara / scizor / dragon thanks to ddance and swords dance. Other boosters such as cloy / lucario / gallade are too situational in my own opinion. The fact that all 3 common physical sweepers take at least 3 attacks after a boost to take out skarmory, make it one of the preferred physical tanks ( though Donphan and bold milotic with dragon tail deserves a mention too)


As for special sweepers, I can't see anything besides kingdra, ludicolo and to a much lesser extent omastar (shell smash in rain hurts like hell :|) the lack of a calm mind or nasty plot tm and not working psyshock is probably why we are limited to rain team sweepers. This also means that special wall of special walls blissey is unmatched in its role atm. Water absorb jellicient deserves a mention though (it's hard to get), being a spin blocker with access to toxic and recover makes it specially annoying... I'd say lapels to a lesser extent as well, but it's weakness to stealth rock makes it hard to use once the opponent knows you have it.


Hope thy gives you a better idea :| I've only mentioned the prominent pokemon you see nowadays. PRO does have so many more viable pokemon and even the prominent ones have move sets that can take you completely by surprise and en decide a battle.

mLcUOgl - Imgur.png

Thank you a lot Rafayel, this is very helpful ! About move pools tho, since it's still impossible to extend it by breeding i guess the element of surprise is still a bit reduced, as the fact that all tm are not available.


Anyways, i think that practice will make perfect, so i will probably do a classic meta rain team in order to get more experience about what else i could play. I like playing around meta so i wont stick to it too long, but i need to actually experiment what people are playing and how they behave in general in order to find some surprise picks. Nothing is more satisfying imo than getting an opponent mindblowned by a comp :p

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