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Already been suggested and denied, MS users wont have priority login. Locked.

Guest Oephi

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Well there's that, thanks Deathwing. Thanks for the locked thread too, not like other players have any further input.


Any other new players, good luck. Here we lock away the stuff we don't like in the archives and tell ourselves 'we're working on it'.


Game is inaccessible for 80% of any given day at any given location around the globe. That should say enough in and of itself.

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If you wish to discuss about MS perks should be increased and have an added feature such as priority login, this is the subforum you should talk about.


A suggestion can either be denied or accepted, in which doesn't require further discussion.


...And all will burn, beneath the shadow of my wings.

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78795 This wont solve the "inaccessable for 80% of the players" problem. It will just make all the players that dont pay not get access because only players that pay are online.


Inaccessable for 80% of the time.


NOT inaccessible for 80% of the players. Reread my OP carefully, I specifically chose that wording because it is an accurate reflection of the end-user gaming experience.

New players like myself lose the most, because we don't even get a chance to evaluate the game. All we know is that this pokemon online game we downloaded wont let us online because the servers are full. And they are so often full that most people are asleep or at work by the time they get the chance to try.

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78795 This wont solve the "inaccessable for 80% of the players" problem. It will just make all the players that dont pay not get access because only players that pay are online.


Inaccessable for 80% of the time.


NOT inaccessible for 80% of the players. Reread my OP carefully, I specifically chose that wording because it is an accurate reflection of the end-user gaming experience.

New players like myself lose the most, because we don't even get a chance to evaluate the game. All we know is that this pokemon online game we downloaded wont let us online because the servers are full. And they are so often full that most people are asleep or at work by the time they get the chance to try.


Doesnt change the fact that you are just moving the problem to the users that dont donate for membership.



Big shout out to CutieKisty/Neva for this awesome signature pic!

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78791 Yup, membership people wont get priority login since people without membership would never be able to login then, which basically would be pay2win.


So what is it now? Surely not Pay2win or even Pay2Play, since membership is entirely optional.


Think of this from a business perspective, perhaps even from the consumer's perspective: "Why should I pay to support this game? I have to stay up all night to even get on the server anyways".


My suggestion to give members priority server slots is meant to benefit the game in the long-run. If the people playing PRO aren't paying, PRO isn't making money. Capitalism is quite that simple. PRO doesn't have the resources to house the thousands of players that want to join for free, so give the paying members priority and two things happen in unison:

  • Paying players keep paying
    Nonpaying players start paying (at least some)


The end result is more capital for PRO to work with to increase the size and scope of PRO.


People go to four-year universities to learn stuff like that, you know.



Doesnt change the fact that you are just moving the problem to the users that dont donate for membership.

Temporarily - read above.


As we have it now, the problem is all of ours to share and PRO gains membership funds by pure luck from individuals who see the potential of this MMO.

I would much rather be excluded from the game temporarily than to have full access (competing for the 1800 slots, mind you) and see the game shut down because nobody wanted to pay to support a game they could only play if they got lucky or neglected sleep for a night.

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Honestly i find very hard to support the idea of priority queue for paying users. Even if your arguments totally make sense in a "capitalist" point of view as you said, but it is far from fair and from the spirit of this kind of game. And be assured that if you start trying to generate money from a licensed fan made game, you are going to have a lot of trouble. Membership should stay really optionnal and give only skins to reward players support. I'm already a bit sad about the +50% xp boost, dont make membership a mandatory thing...

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78813 Honestly i find very hard to support the idea of priority queue for paying users. Even if your arguments totally make sense in a "capitalist" point of view as you said, but it is far from fair and from the spirit of this kind of game. And be assured that if you start trying to generate money from a licensed fan made game, you are going to have a lot of trouble. Membership should stay really optionnal and give only skins to reward players support. I'm already a bit sad about the +50% xp boost, dont make membership a mandatory thing...



Is the solution really as simple as logging in and staying logged in before the rest of the world wakes up?


If the playerbase is fine with that kind of game, so be it. I cannot and will not... and as an MMO, without the funds to keep up with the hype and associated demand it's going to be a fad at best. Far more than 1800 people want to play this game and over a day of searching the forums, I am the only person to speak out.


Liscensing issues can be circumvented with appropriate legal knowledge.... PRO isn't there yet, unfortunately. This thread is still trying to convince them to allow more than 1800 people to play PRO at the same time, and that begins with restricting access to free players and providing an actual incentive to financially support PRO; it ends with our developers and game owner(s) having the resources needed to let more than 1800 people play what could potentially be a multi-million playerbase.

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