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Individual values


Individual value(iv) are random for A pokemon ,they range from 0-31 , each iv contributes 1 stat point to a stat at lvl 100, example - stat of a neutral pokemon at lvl 100 without ev training and 0 iv is 205(taken 100 base[Not hp]) , with 31 ivs it will be 236.All pokemon needs nice ivs in neccesary stats.


Effort values


Effort value(Ev) is gained throw defeating wild pokemons and trainer battles, there are many other ev guides about hotspots for eving. A pokemon, can be evd max 252 points in a stat,and max 510 overall . ev effect a stat in way [evs/4] so stats from evs range from - 0-63, example - stat of a neutral pokemon at lvl 100 without ev training and 0 iv is 205(taken 100 base[Not hp]), with 252 evs in the stat with 100 base it will be - 268.

Now a question - how to know which ev to train a pokemon in?

Ans - google -smogon <pokemon> xy and u will get info.


like if u google smogon pidgey xy, u wont get any info, for it google - pidgeot smogon xy,

here is whjat u have to open and do -

open - https://www.smogon.com/dex/xy/pokemon/pidgeot/

what u need to check-

1st- what kind of format u need-

for pidgeot there are --akYrJOm.png

2nd- you can have multiple sets in a format, choose the one u will like to have .

3rd-see how it is adviced to ev and try to follow it.- QbFOjTg.png

4th-need not to follow the held item if not in game yet and some changes could be made to moveset as u like it.


Nature puts a great influence on a pokemons stat,

A Pokémon's Nature usually affects the growth rate of two of its stats, ultimately increasing one of its non-HP stats (Attack, Defense, Special Attack, Special Defense, or Speed) by 10% and decreasing another by 10%.

example - stat of a neutral pokemon at lvl 100 without ev training and 0 iv is 205(taken 100 base[Not hp]), with +nature it will be 226, and with -nature it will be 184.

You can select preferable nature from smogon

here is a nature list -




Pokemon Stats calculation


pokemons got stats like -Hp,att,def, speed, sp att, sp def, evasion and accuracy.


for hp,att,def,speed,sp att,sp def this formula is followed =


If a pokemon at lvl 100 got 100 base in a stat with - 252 evs, 31 ivs and +nature - its total stat will be 328


for evasion and accuracy


evasion -chances to evade a move(is initially at 100% )

accuracy-chance to hit opponent(initially at 100% )


The probability that a move will hit is calculated as follows:




Abase is the base accuracy of the move (in percent - e.g. a base accuracy of 95 is counted as 0.95),

Accuracy is the current accuracy stat of the user (in percent - e.g. raising accuracy by three stages raises this number to 2), and

Evasion is the current evasion stat of the target (in percent - e.g. lowering evasion by two stages lowers this number to 0.6).


There are moves that increase/decrease particular stats of a pokemon ,here is how they work -





Pokemon abilities



For information about all poke abilities visit -- > https://pokemondb.net/ability


<SIZE size="200">Pokemon items



<SIZE size="150">For information on items and their effect goto --> https://www.serebii.net/itemdex/


And u used to think pokemon is easy game, nothing too complex

I hope this helps everyone


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