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Marcylene's Shop


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Re: Marcylene's decent shop (ongoing Auction)



  • </s><LI><s>
  • </s>Wynaut (bold) sold for 25.000</LI>
  • </s>Togepi (sassy) sold for 150.000</LI>
  • </s>New <COLOR color="#4080FF"><s></s>Wynaut<e></e></COLOR> (impish + <I><s></s><B><s></s>hidden ability<e></e></B><e></e></I>) added to auction</LI>
  • </s>Ralts (jolly) auction will end in 2 hours. Current offert: 20.000 (by no123)</LI><e>



As the server is always full, <B><s></s><U><s></s>I will contact auction winners with pm's at forum<e></e></U><e></e></B>. Stay tuned!</r>

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