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Coming from a former software dev, i know stability is important. but if you don't increase server capacity, people won't be able to try the game, meaning they won't be able to test and donate, meaning the server will never have the funds to have its size increase.


on the marketing aspect, you can't promote a game that can't be played by new players

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80559 Hi, the loggin capability always face with all people. However, it is not logically and unsolving any problem. You can ask me WHY? There are many reasons about that. In my opinion:


1/ someone said it discourage for donated work. So what different between donate and pay to play? Be fair with everyone, not only individual facing this issues. Additionally, donated membership got many benefits already such as mount, extra exp and money, rare pokemon, special access to areas, cloth and so on. What u want only got more benefits for individual rather than everyone. Fair for everyone guy. I means donate having distinguish meaning with pay to play. No offense with this agure.


2/ How about priority loggin for membership. Well, how u know the current donated player less than 1800 cap on server? The point is when having priority loggin for membership, how u sure u can get queue? The sub-effect is forced every one to "donate", so when it happened @@ what priority work? Nothing, and then nothing sloving to problem.


3/ it still are beta, so I also don't know what will be implemented. Maybe the alternatively solution is new server for only membership, however the reason 2 =,= poor. Maybe stability > more cap, and then cap will increase after.


P/s: maybe reason for still not popular is in development process (beta), the limit server, however, i think we will love for quality rather than quantity, right?


I honestly see absolutely nothing wrong with a pseudo pay-to-play during the Beta experience. Most MMORPGs (that intend to be free upon full release) already have people paying for Alpha and Beta access, if anything, a pseudo system would be more fair than the current norm of the industry just because it gives non-paying players a chance. Plus, as sworn20 said, giving people a true incentive to donate means more server capacity for everyone. As for the "what if there are more than 1800 donators," there could be, but the likelihood of them all being on at the same time is none. If there are so many donators that at any given time, 1800+ of them are on, we'd see higher server capabilities already.


Also as far as my personal input, I'm not a donator, I don't want to donate because I don't see the point of paying for something I can't play whenever I want. I would definitely donate if it meant I could get into the servers in a timely, hassle free manner.

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