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Were you a player on the Red or Blue server? If yes you need to merge your account.


If you can't log into Silver Server, you probably need to merge your Red & Blue accounts.

You can merge them in the dashboard, make sure to select the right server as your main server. https://pokemonrevolution.net/dashboard/

If you're still unable to log into Silver after merging your account, you'll have to reset your password on the Dashboard.

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hello, I have almost a year without playing PRO and now that I entered my account home from scratch, I would like to know if it is normal for the update of the game or is it a game error?

I hope for a solution and thank you

Hello there! Please do note that the Red server has now merged with the Blue server to form the Silver server and the Yellow server has now been renamed as the Gold server. 
If you haven't updated your client you'll have to download the latest update here!


If you played on the Red/Blue Server, you will also have to log onto the Dashboard and merge your accounts. Also, don't forget to select the correct server as your main server. Furthermore, please be sure to read the Merge FAQ for questions you may have as well as the Common Merge Errors:FAQ if you encounter issues whilst merging. If you played on the Yellow server, then you may simply log on the Gold server and should still have your items and continue your progress.


Hope this helps and have a great day!


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