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We can obtain Druddigon from a person in route 209? Mehcanmet I had a pokemon with sheer force but he not battling with me any other requirements we need to battling with him??

Hi there. Can you please tell me what your Sheer Force pokemon is? Please take note that the Sheer Force pokemon you have must be at its Final Evolution for you to be able to battle Mehcanmet. You can check our our Boss Guide for information on the different Bosses in PRO.


Hope this clarifies things for you. Let me know if you have any further questions.


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its Kingler it must be lvl 100 ??

Hi there. Please make sure that the Kingler is in your party. It doesn't need to be level 100. If you still can't battle him with it in your party, please attach a screenshot of what the NPC says.


Looking forward to your response.


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