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[Moves] Multi-hit criticals are calculated once for all attacks instead of separately


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Normally, multi-hit moves have a separate chance of doing a critical hit on each successful attack. However in PRO, it's either all hits are critical hits, or none of them are critical hits.


Prerequisites (for testing):

- Two players.

- Player A has a Fearow with Focus Energy and Fury Attack.

- Player B has a Pokémon twice the level of Player A's Fearow and with a defense boosting move.


Steps to reproduce:

1. Player A fights Player B.

2. Player B fully boosts his Pokemon's Defense.

3. Player A uses Focus Energy to obtain 50% critical chance.

4. Player A repeatedly uses Fury Attack.


Current Result:

When the move does a critical hit, all hits deal large damage. When the move does not, all hits deal little damage.


Expected Result:

Each hit of the multi-hit move should have a separate chance of doing a critical hit.



- This bug was tested with Double Slap, Fury Attack and Double Kick. All displayed the same behavior.

- The current behavior was the same in original Generation 1 games only.


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