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Please evolve my gligar or put he level 99


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Unintentionally I uped my gligar pro lvl 100 I ask you here to put him at level 98 please or evolve to a gliscor i have a razor fang.Really sorry for my mistake.




Hi there,

I de-leveled it 19 hours ago, reminded you of how to evolve it, and asked you to post in the megathread in the future.

Hi there,


It's de-leveled. Please be more careful next time, remember it can only evolve when holding the Razor Fang whilst being leveled up in between 18:00 and 06:00 in game time, and in the future, please use the Evolution and De-Leveling Request Megathread in order to keep them centralized!



What made you fail its evolution again?

I'm looking forward to your reply, and wish you to have a nice day in the meantime

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without wanting to enter a fight (did not know that npc battle) and was with only a pokémon (low level) and gligar the low level pokemon died and left him and unfortunately n had to run I was forced to face it please me sorry for my mistake :/

Alright. I'll de-level it to 97 so you don't level it by mistake without a chance to evolve again; I will need you to log out from Gold in order to do so, tell me when you are, and wait for my next reply to log back on

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i left

Alright, de-leveled; once again, please, be more careful next time.


And once again, reminder that it can only evolve when holding the Razor Fang whilst being leveled up in between 18:00 and 06:00 in game time, and in the future, please use the Evolution and De-Leveling Request Megathread in order to keep these requests centralized in a single thread.


With this being said, I wish you to have a great day,


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