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Hi ProStaff


I wanted to propose the idea to add the possibility of changing latias / latios again, for some amount of money as it was a long time ago with the NPC in trainers valley.

This is because, in my situation and I suppose it is that of some, a long time ago I chose latios. At that time there were no nature reroll and therefore seeing the bad thing that came out (neutral and -10 ivs) I decided to change it for Latias to try my luck.

After that they added the nature reroll, and logically for the META of pro, Latios is an advantage over Latias. Also, it is the fact of tastes in pokémon, since some will have done the opposite and feel disappointed once the nature / ivs reroll was added. This is why I think it would be a fair opportunity for old players who made this change when there were no other possibilities.


I hope this has some support, because in my style of play, I would like to be able to count on latios. And I guess others with Latias, and maybe they made this change before.



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