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HM Doesn't Work


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Hello there !

Pikachu, picked as starter, can only learn Surf from NPC in Route 19 called Victor. The HM that you got from the Safari, can be used by other pokemon that can learn surf via HM.


Extra Info in case you will need it in the future:

Keep in mind that you'll only be able to teach Surf to a Pikachu caught with your OT, so if it is a Pikachu that you've purchased from another trainer, the tutor won't work. Keep in mind that there is a cooldown associated with the NPC who teaches Surf.
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I have Pikachu as my starting pokemon and when I try to teach it surf it says he cannot learn it. Staff please help?

Hi there. Also, please ensure that you are trying to get Surf on your Pikachu on the Gold server as your starter on the Silver server was Charmander. Therefore, as stated, if you'd like to teach your Pikachu Surf, you'll have to talk to Victor in Route 19.


Hope this clarifies things for you.


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