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Syncable Pokemons


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I know that I can exchange my PVE Coins for some syncable Pokemons. Can u tell how it exactly work? How that synchronization exactly look like?



Hello PokemonDzoto,


Choosing a syncable Pokemon as a reward in Battle Tower works in a similar way to third time boss rewards. You will be given the option for which Pokemon you want. The NPC will ask you if you are ready to catch it. If you do not have your synch with you then you can go to a PC to grab it. Make sure it is leading your team. Once you have your synch, you can speak with the NPC again and state that you are ready. You will then be in battle with the desired Pokemon. You will have to catch it in the same way you would catch any other Pokemon. Also, you have a 50% chance of synchronizing the nature. This is how the ability works in general.


The PvE Coin Master offers these prizes and is visible when you first enter Battle Tower. For more information about him, you can view this guide.


Please let me know if this information has answered your questions or if you have any other questions at all about this topic. I hope you have a wonderful day.

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