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Transfer Arctcuno wings


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Hello , i made a new accaunt but my arcticuno wings are stuck in my old and they are not tradable , could i ask if you can transfer them to my current accaunt , for evidence i have the two mails passowrds and all the proves that they both are mine accaunts , tnx

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Hello , i made a new accaunt but my arcticuno wings are stuck in my old and they are not tradable , could i ask if you can transfer them to my current accaunt , for evidence i have the two mails passowrds and all the proves that they both are mine accaunts , tnx


Hello there !


I would like to inform you that Articuno Wings is a event-limited item that can't be traded or passed on another account.


That is because it would not be fair to everyone else that asked that in the past and received a no as an answer.


Furthermore, the Articuno Wings is an item that could be obtained only in the > Christmas Event 2017 < , that lasted from 17 December to 17 January, by beating Boss Kaguya.



Boss Kaguya Rewards

PokeDollars ($50,000~$100,000), Articunowings.pngArticuno Wings, and a Christmas_Cracker.pngChristmas Cracker






There are no official news yet if they will be obtainable again in the game, but you can keep an eye on the > OFFICIAL PRO Discord < announcements and on the > Forum Announcements Section <, since they are the place where updates and events get announced.


Hope this can help, have a great day !

Edited by Keita
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Hello , i made a new accaunt but my arcticuno wings are stuck in my old and they are not tradable , could i ask if you can transfer them to my current accaunt , for evidence i have the two mails passowrds and all the proves that they both are mine accaunts , tnx

Hi there. Unfortunately, we are unable to transfer your articuno wings to your account. This is because the wings are an exclusive item from the Christmas event. This is to keep its exclusivity. Furthermore, if the event was to return with the wings as a prize once again, you would end up having two on one account, which is not what is intended. Nevertheless, you may get the Articuno wings once again if they are made available.


Sorry to disappoint you, but I hope you understannd.


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No problems i understeand tnx to both of you have a good day ! :RowletHeart:

Glad to hear that your issue has been resolved. If you have any further questions, please don't hesitate to ask. With that said, will now be locking this thread.


Good luck and have a great day!


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