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On android, time change with option menu.

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When this is the night and you go to options menu. The time outside become the same as the day.

But when you come again in options, the time is good, but not when close it

Hi there. Could you please specify your issue further? If you're talking about the lighting setting (Also known as detailed lighting) in your options menu, it is there to provide aesthetic appeal to your game. Turning it on will allow you to see day and night cycles in-game, whilst turning it off will allow you to permanently have day time. This is an alternative to the lighting command that used to be for the console, which made it impossible for Android players to use.


Hope this clarifies things for you.


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The bug step by step with screenshot. This is better for comprehension during the night.

Hi there. I've looked through your screenshots and I don't see your issue. 5am is considered morning in PRO. PRO's time issplit into 3 distinct times. Rather than simply Day and Night, we have Morning Day and Night. Morning lasts from 4:00-10:00, Day is from 10:00-20:00, and Night is from 20:00-4:00. You can check poketime in our Official PRO Discord by using ^poketime in #bot-commands.


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During the night, the time change without changing any setting

Hi there. Sorry for the inconvenience. Could you please try to fully restart your client after changing the settings on detailed lighting? Having it ticked will allow you to have the day/night cycles whilst having it off will have you remain in the day despite poketime.


Let me know if this helps.


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