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When can i download the new, fixed client to windows? the currently is full of bugs, fails.


Hi there !


I would like to inform you that the new client will be released in the near future However, there's not a estimated time of arrival for when it will be released.


To be notified for when it will be released, you can keep an eye out in the #announcement channel in the OFFICIAL PRO Discord.


However, if you should find any issue like NPC being not visible, visual bug or any bug, doing a clean install sometime may help to fix and it is worth to give it a try.

To do that, please follow the procedure said below:

  • Delete PRO Client/Application and all the files (.rar /.apk included)
  • Delete all the related/remaining files of PRO (e.g temporary files), you can use a free software like Ccleaner to do that in the easiest way. Also, if you are from smartphone, remember to restart your phone.
  • Download the latest and most updated client from PRO WEBSITE DOWNLOAD PAGE

Hope that what i said provided some clarification, have a great day !

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