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Wts shiny gothia tier 8

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This auction is not valid, as it is violating our Trade Rules.

  • 12. In auctions, the auctioneer should announce the rules of the auction and the item(s)/pokemon(s) being auctioned, call and acknowledging bids made, and announce the winner, said rules should be respected. (i.e. If you withdraw your auction due to 'low offers' without stating that beforehand in said auction's rules, you will be punished.)
  • 13. Regarding insta/fixed prices for Pokémon/Items on the trade forums, the user who bids the insta first will be the winner. Any bids made after this point for the same mon will be voided, and the seller must respect the sale to the first player who met the insta price.
  • 14. If a Pokemon was sold unfairly to any user other than the original winner it will be forcefully moved to the rightful owner of the auction, whatsoever.

You set an insta price at 2:43 PM (GMT+2) , wakko16 bidded at 2:46 PM (GMT+2). You posted the offer of dangerous 9 minutes after wakko16's offer and the trade between you and dangerous happened hours later.

Wakko16 is the original winner and the rightful owner of the Pokemon, unless you have screenshot of dangerous offering to buy it insta 3m earlier than wakko16 bid.


I am waiting for your reply in PM. Until then , i reverse the trade and i will own the Pokemon, until everything is clear. Since you don't have the money to return to dangerouss, i want to let you all know that i will have the gothita and 3m (@wAkKo16 's). After everything is clear , i will give the 3m directly to @danger0uss .


Kind regards,


You don't have the rights to do this. I paid the money and bought that poke. I can't know what's going on here and I also ev trained and leveled up . Now you should give me that poke. In which world can you take it without any explanation and steal my effort on it? This is not ethical. You are stealing my money and my effort. I want to report this and need answer immediately

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  • 12. In auctions, the auctioneer should announce the rules of the auction and the item(s)/pokemon(s) being auctioned, call and acknowledging bids made, and announce the winner, said rules should be respected. (i.e. If you withdraw your auction due to 'low offers' without stating that beforehand in said auction's rules, you will be punished.)
  • 13. Regarding insta/fixed prices for Pokémon/Items on the trade forums, the user who bids the insta first will be the winner. Any bids made after this point for the same mon will be voided, and the seller must respect the sale to the first player who met the insta price.
  • 14. If a Pokemon was sold unfairly to any user other than the original winner it will be forcefully moved to the rightful owner of the auction, whatsoever.

If any of these rules confuses you, ask me in Pm's and i will explain them. You should know the rules before offering in an auction,though. As for this auction, i think that i explained everything really well. I understand that you may be frustrated , but the auctioner shouldn't accept and acknowledge offers before he checks his auction thread. To be honest , you should check the thread as well before offering ( as i see you have already 1 offer in that thread, so you got the notification that Wakko16 is the winner of the auction). My job is to keep our auctions reliable and fair, so people feel safe bidding. Unless i see evidence for the opposite, the rightful owner is wakko16. About the ev and level up , i m sure that the winner will pay .


Further off topic posts here will be deleted. You are free to fill a complaint about my handling in General Complaint Area.



"Unus pro omnibus, omnes pro uno"

"One for all, all for one"



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Last response deleted as it seems wrong.


I apology for any inconvinience to the users taking part. After almost whole day investigating this particular case, chatting with all participating users and found a 20 minutes delayed bug on trade logs , i changed decision and concluded that the Pokemon will stay to danger0uss.

Chatting with Majaharali made me have doubts about him planning all of this. Digging more into it and with the help of Shane, Eaty and Hercules , we found out that there was a desynchronization of 20 minutes between silver and gold , regarding the trade logs. As a result , it seemed like the trade between Majaharali and danger0uss happened on 14:36 instead of 14:56, while the insta price set time was 14:43 and wakko's offer was at 14:46.


Majaharali answered all my questions with honesty and without excuses. His auction wasn't handled perfectly, but he helped me a lot to understand what happened here.


There will be a clarification(not change, just clarification) regarding the Trade Rules, as it seems that many users didn't realize yet how auction rules work.


With this being said ,investigation finished and this auction has ended .


Kind regards,









"Unus pro omnibus, omnes pro uno"

"One for all, all for one"



PRO Rules | Punishment Policy

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