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Route 25 - Psyduck Hat Quest HELP!!


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Hello! I was doing some researching about the Psyduck Hat Quest, and it said that you are not supposed to pick Pikachu as your starter pokemon and the quest will appear for you at route 25. The reason I am here is that the quest ( Psyduck NPC ) isn't there below Bill's House? Please, Someone, respond!!!



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Hello there!


Yes, if you picked Pikachu as your Starter Pokemon, the quest will not appear for you. Another worth-mentioning detail is that the Psyduck Hat quest is currently removed due to a bug, as it is being worked on. There is no Estimated Time of Arrival (ETA) about it. Here is a link to the Update Logs, to check in the future when the quest is available again.


Sorry for the inconvenience caused, hope that answered to your question, I will now lock this thread.

Edited by Equilibrium
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