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Hello ! :Grin:


I've been playing PRO for 117 hours now and I figured it was time to introduce myself. So my name is Simon, I'm 23 (in 7 days to be precise) and I live in Paris (which makes me French, I suppose).

I'm a 3D student in 5th year (animation/FX/real time) and we do a lot of programmation, which makes me appreciate even more the work done on PRO.

I've played all Pokemon games from Blue to Diamand, which is the version that made me ragequit the saga because I lost my save doing the Darkrai glitch.. But now I'm back thanks to PRO! :Angel:


Last useful fact about me: I'm the Garbage Collector. I'm collecting crappy IVs Pokemons. The only rule is: the Pokemon must have 6 IVs <= 8 OR at least 3 IVs == 01 (in this case the other IVs can be anything). Some people give them to me for free or for a limited amount of $, depends on the person. But I won't spend more than 10K for a single crappy IVs Pok. Anyway, if you need to get rid of some really bad Pokes, you know who to give/sell them to! :Shy: I'll make a gallery of my collection eventually.


Thanks to everyone involved in PRO, this is a really well made game.


That's it, cheers!

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