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Improving PVP System


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First of all congratulate you for the great work you do people who are involved in the project. You have achieved a pretty healthy community and an adaptation of one of the best games of our time in a version more oriented to MMORPG.


Based on experiences from other games, I have thought several times about the possibility of implementing the following in Pokemon Revolution:


Free PVP system, allowing to declare wars between clans. In this way, if you are in a clan that has war with another when crossing with the person on the map there would be a pokemon battle without the possibility of evading it. This would encourage an activity more focused on PVP, allowing people who do not want to enter this dynamic to stay on the sidelines by not declaring any war in their clan or not being part of one.


I hope that at least the idea can serve as inspiration for future implementations!

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While guild wars are an interesting idea, I personally do not like this implementation. PvP teams and PvE teams differ starkly, and any team someone is carrying on the world map is likely to be a PvE team, likely consisting of a Synchronizer and a False Swiper (for hunting), an HM Slave (for mobility), and perhaps one or two other level 100s to defeat random NPCs. It would be rather difficult to play the rest of the game while simultaneously remaining prepared for sudden PvP. Furthermore, there is also the issue of latency. PRO servers aren't super great, so what might trigger a battle for one person might not trigger it for the other, resulting in a rather awkward situation.

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Thanks to MadFrost for the signature!

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Thanks for your opinion, it's interesting. As you say, it would be quite problematic not to be able to avoid fights when you are farming. That's why I mentioned the possibility of not declaring war if you prefer to maintain a PVE based gameplay.


Another possibility to try to balance this is that if a war is declared, there will be a few hours a day where the PVP in the whole map (with no possibility of evading) and the rest of the hours will not.


Anyway, this game has done a lot of work in the PVE and it would be very interesting to improve the PVP system not only in terms of the implementation of the new UI but in new game mechanics.

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