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Windows 10 crash after downloading 0.93



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PRO Username: Shirou97

Do you have active membership?: No

Your knowledge about PRO: Basic Knowledge


What have you done before the problem was there?

I've basically downloaded PRO 0.93 on my computer.

The 0.93 version disconnected me for no reason several times, what never happened with 0.92 which worked perfectly on my computer.

One day later (i.e. today), my computer crashed. I can actually see a "blue screen of the death" with the 0xC000021A error code.

After reasearch to try solving the problem, I found out that it can be caused (but not always) by a new software downloaded on the computer.


What have you already tried to solve the problem?

I've tried in vain to fix the problem but without deleting PRO 0.93.


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So basically I'd like to know if some users have got the same as me and if the problem come from PRO 0.93... However I won't be able to go on the crashed computer before Monday to test my hypothesis, so I let the question here and if you have any answer to give feel free to do it :)

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I am currently running the latest version of the client in Windows 10 without any problems so it is most definitely a problem on your side, not the client.


You can try running the client as administrator.

You can also try deleting and re-downloading, since some files may have not downloaded correctly.

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I think that my problem is definitely up to my computer. Deleting PRO didn't solve it, so I've tried to reset the computer; it has failed. I've lost Windows 10, so I've installed Ubuntu but even Ubuntu doesn't want to boot anymore...


Thank you :)

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