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I can not log in to silver


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I can not log in to silver


Hello there, @Marchewa12


I'm sorry for the inconvenience caused. As you may know, both servers are down at the moment, in order to fix the "Zombie Disconnect" problem. These are the words of a Developer about the maintenance:

I have to take down the servers for a few hours. Afterwards the zombie disconnect will 100 % be fixed. Sorry for this delay and the last week. It was not easy to find and even harder to fix this problem. I will announce something (probably a small event) within the next days as I have to talk with the rest of the staffs about this first. Thanks for being patient with us.


As to when the servers will be back, I'm afraid there's no answer for that. There was no ETA (Estimated Time of Arrival) given, so please remain patient in the meantime. In order to keep yourself up-to-date, you may join our OFFICIAL PRO DISCORD and keep an eye on #announcements channel, or use the command ^up in #bot-commands.


As this post is against the server rules, I will now lock this thread. Have a good day!


Do not ask about the server status here. Your topic will be locked instantly.

With that being said, have a great day!

PRO RulesPunishment PolicyHow to Report

Do not contact staff members for private support.

Use the appropriate sub-forum to eventually help others with the same issue.


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