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Imo Gyarados Dragon Dance is not a counter to rain team, as you said there is an electric absorber in every rain team, and Gyarados gets OHKOed by Jolteon's Thunder, Electivire's Thunder Punch and things like that.


~ THE Champ of SkyHorizon ~

~ Competitive player since 2013 ~

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<B>My Kanto team. Actually leveling up and hunting. (3DS/2DS friend code also in the card, feel free to add me there too!)


CrystalPoke 2016 ~ Strong Pokémon. Weak Pokémon. That should be the only perception of people. Truly skilled trainers should try to win with the most powerful Pokémon. Like, what the hell are you going to do with a Bidoof. ~ CrystalPoke 2016

96431 Imo Gyarados Dragon Dance is not a counter to rain team, as you said there is an electric absorber in every rain team, and Gyarados gets OHKOed by Jolteon's Thunder, Electivire's Thunder Punch and things like that.


He just said that Gyarados is a good Lead against a Rain Team cause your opponent is forced to switch Politoed out and Gyarados can set up a DD.


252 EV Spe Jolly Gyarados at +1 outspeeds and OHKO both Jolteon and Electivire with EQ.

Stream ON :

I doubt lead, because Politoed can use Hypnosis and sleep it to prevent setting up, or the opponent can send Quagsire/Vaporeon to tank Gyarados hits. I'd say also burn it with Scald, but the TM is not available yet, sadly xD


~ THE Champ of SkyHorizon ~

~ Competitive player since 2013 ~

Feel free to add me in-game if you feel like it.


<B>My Kanto team. Actually leveling up and hunting. (3DS/2DS friend code also in the card, feel free to add me there too!)


CrystalPoke 2016 ~ Strong Pokémon. Weak Pokémon. That should be the only perception of people. Truly skilled trainers should try to win with the most powerful Pokémon. Like, what the hell are you going to do with a Bidoof. ~ CrystalPoke 2016

i use my umbrella against rainteam.


88710 electric typed moves will hit exceptionnally hard.

as you already mentioned this is a nice way, but also gets as you said countered by volt absorb. maybe people should consider parasect, jynx with dry skin or a water poke with water absorb and thunder/tbolt learnable. :y:


96499 I doubt lead, because Politoed can use Hypnosis and sleep it to prevent setting up, or the opponent can send Quagsire/Vaporeon to tank Gyarados hits. I'd say also burn it with Scald, but the TM is not available yet, sadly xD


All DD poke should be played with lum berry in my opinion (with some exception if you're using a dd tyranitar as a sand stream setter), so trying to land an hypnosis on a gyaralead is a very high risk for politoed, as it has 40% chance to fail and can be negated with lum berry even if it doesnt. Fail your hypnosis would mean 2dd for gyara and almost a guaranteed win with moxie snowball.


As for water absorbers : Vaporeon and Lapras seemed the best fits atm, Gastrodon can be good as well but i need to face it to be able to really decide. While Vaporeon has a good support set and can completely check a belly drummed azumarill, i found lapras to be more threatening due to its access to thunderbolt/freeze-dry in the future. Jynx with dry skin can be surprising, it has to be careful not to get hit by anything else than water move since it has a poor overall bulk compared to vaporeon and lapras. Quagsquire water absorb wasnt a threat at all for me when i encountered it, but i guess with the proper moveset it can be good.


I will add the water absorb part in the future, i still need a bit more testing.

Tangrowth could be noted too. Problem is, that the regenerator ability still doesnt work, which is maybe to strong to pass up.


Maybe Tentacruel needs to be mentioned. At least as a nuisance for rain Team. It has rapidspin now and can annoy with toxic spikes, while being farly tanky.

gastrodon with stormdrain is a real threat to rain teams, but the problem is ludicolo. You can learn ice beam to gastrodon, but even if you're boosted with storm drain, you'll have to preshot ludicolo's switch in and you're not even sure to ohko it.

It's basically the same for vaporeon, and quasgire is a cheaper version of gastrodon.


One of the biggest threat to rain teams have always been tyranitar with his sandstream ability which can totally breaks rain team's momentum. Of course it is vulnerable to water, but it's bulky enough to whistand one or two hits, if switched in carefully. Learning him thunder fang is also a good way to surprise rain team users. It can OHK a bad politoed and thus ruin the whole strat of rain team.

I can accept failure, but I cannot accept not trying.

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