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How to get more money and berries?

I want to know more about the Task Master and Reward Master in Caledon city.

What can i use with HM Fly.



Hi @SilentCreeper



I'm sorry for the inconvenience.

I would like to inform you that Pokémon Revolution Online is an MMO, therefore it is intended to be slightly harder than handheld games for what regard the mechanics of the game.

However, i would like to assure you that making money is not really hard and there are things that can really help you to optimize your way of making them.

  • Digging / Dig Spots is one of the most common and easiest way of making money. It is possible to dig each diggable patch every 3 days and it permit you to find items such as:
    By digging you have the chance to find items that can are worth from 3.000 to 30.000 Pokedollars.
    You can find a guide related to dig spots here: DIG SPOTS GUIDE .Do note that the items obtained by digging must be sold to the ITEM MANIAC .
  • Beating Trainer every 7 days permit you to make easy money, this include trainers inside the gyms but not the gym leaders.
    You can increase the money obtained through battle by activating a MEMBERSHIP, which you can buy from other players or through the coins shop.
  • Beating bosses
  • Hunting and selling Pokémon that people may want.

You may also want to search for the HIDDEN ITEMS that you can find in the maps/regions, as they may be interesting items such as nuggets, stardust, rare candies and other cool items that can be sold for a good a mount of money.

You can find further information about how to make money and other useful advices and trick by checking this guide : HOW TO MAKE MONEY.


Regard the Celadon Daily Quest, the Task Master will ask you to hunt and submit a Pokémon and then, once you will have submitted that, the Reward Master will reward you in base of the IV of the Pokémon.

The rewards you can obtain are the following one contained in the spoiler:

[spoiler=Celadon Daily Quest]


-Potions: Full Restore, Max Potion, Hyper Potion, Potion

-PP Restore Items: Ether, Elixir, Max Elixir

-Status condition healing items: Full Heal

-Vitamins: Rare Candy, PP Up, PP Max

-Repels: Repel, Super Repel, Max Repel

-Poké Balls: Pokeball, Great Ball, Ultra Ball

-Revive Items: Revive

Held Item

-Evolutionary stones: Dusk Stone, Moon stone

-Evolution-Inducing Held Items: Upgrade, Electrizer, Protector, Dragon Scale,


-In-Battle Effect Items: Leftover, Macho Brace

~Valuable item: Nugget, Big Pearl, Tiny Mushroom, Stardust

~TM: Dream Eater, Shadow Claw, Dig, Fissure, Shadow Ball, False Swipe

(-Silver Disc, Fossil, Christmas Cracker 150IV'S+)


IV 6~186: Medicines

IV 80~135: Potion, Vitamins,

IV 80~140: Valuable item

IV 90~140: Random TMs

IV 110~160: In-Battle Effect Items

IV 115~130: Random Ghost TMs

IV 120~160:Held Item

IV 140~155: Evolve Items




Also, in order to check and calculate your IV you can talk to the Psychic Ivan which you can find at the entrance of the Celadon Office 1F, the building next to the Pokécenter.


I hope the information given was helpful, let me know if you have any further questions.

Have a wonderful day !



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