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I can log in with my account normally, it's not a problem, today I tried to get out of my guild but I just can not, I use the button to exit and nothing happens and with the command of /gleave nothing happens either, it's just like I'm not in the guild, since my name does not appear in the list either of members


And I can talk in the guild chat and see the clan data as if I were a normal member, even the clan leader tried to expel me but could not, he simply typed the command and nothing happened


All this begins to happen after my change of nick, previously it was Ryuk15v

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I can log in with my account normally, it's not a problem, today I tried to get out of my guild but I just can not, I use the button to exit and nothing happens and with the command of /gleave nothing happens either, it's just like I'm not in the guild, since my name does not appear in the list either of members


And I can talk in the guild chat and see the clan data as if I were a normal member, even the clan leader tried to expel me but could not, he simply typed the command and nothing happened


All this begins to happen after my change of nick, previously it was Ryuk15v


Hi @Raiak


I'm sorry for the inconvenience.

I would like to inform you that, in order to have your username totally changed, a server restart is required.

Unfortunately, i cannot give you an estimated time as for when the next server restart will happen.

However, once the next server restart will occurr, your issue should be normally solved. You can keep an eye on our OFFICIAL PRO DISCORD in order to be notified of when the next server restart will happen, as well as to be notified of any further announcement related to Pokemon Revolution Online.


Have a wonderful day !



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