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Feature On Guild


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Hi All, i've an suggestion about guild command or feature. It would be nice if in our guild have an admin like vice-leader and another.

Vice-Leader of Guild can Get Authority to use any command related about guild action like invite Member or etc. So its can help our leader to do guild action.

I Hope my Suggestion can be Accepted.

Thanks For Attention ^^


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Additionally, can we also have a system associated with Guild Rankings ?

I'm busy right now so I'll add more depth to my explanation in a few hours, but I hope you get what I mean.


[glow=red]SkyHorizon's Guild Thread[/glow]:


[glow=red]SkyHorizon's Trade Center[/glow]: https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=95&t=11984

[glow=red]SkyHorizon's Daycare Center[/glow]: https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=72&t=17049

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They will answer you "guilds features will come eventually"...

Is a lot of time ago that I asked for guild ranks because my guild is dead, because I am the only one online... We need those guild ranks in orer to prevent guilds from dying.

From 2015: I'm still here

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