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First, i would like to thank you for taking some time to read my suggestion.


I came with 2 suggestions that i think would be really useful, and would make us enjoy the game even more.


The first one is to give players the ability to Ignore other players for an unlimited time.

There are many toxic players, scammers and beggers in the game, and many of them just don't stop messaging, and it's really annoying to ignore them each time you come online.

I would also suggest to make a Blacklist where you can check all your ignored players, and make a Unignore feature.




The second one is concerning friends. The unfriend feature, more precisely.


I would like to suggest the definite removal of friends.


When you unfriend someone, it deletes him from your friend liste, but it doesn't delete you from his, and most the time it's annoying.


Most post alot in trade chat, and when you are advertising an auction on forum, or a service ( Lend, Ev train, Level Train...), you get many "Friends", that you don't want to have in your friendlist anymore after the deal was completed. BUT, the notification you get each time they come online is annoying for some ( Like ME ).

I would suggest making friends removal delete contacts in both players'friend list, or at least make an option to de/activate notification for when the other comes online.

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