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Since you use PS (I assume) I have a question. How hard do you think it would be for someone that's fluent using Gimp to switch over to PS? My assumption is that you know what gimp is if not, disregard the question.


Well GIMP and PS have essencially the same base. So, Probably a week to get used to using PS, and some more time to explore the new content.


Photoshop CC for example has 3d editing settings.


Using deviantart tutorials could ease that up a lot though

It's not what you look at that matters, it's what you see.


Nice not too bad then, basically want to switch because of the content it has compared to gimp need to add some new styles to my repertoire, that and there are way more in-depth tutorials for PS then Gimp. Thanks.




You won't need a better tutorial for understanding PS effects and color wheel theory.


Side note: making your sig tommorow

It's not what you look at that matters, it's what you see.


Hmm, May I make a Avatar and Signature request? I understand it will take some time.


For the signature, I don't want anything flashy, I mainly want to see something...unique, something to stretch your mind maybe.. I want to see a signature that resembles pages of a book, or rather it could be a book opened completely with old yellowed pages, with some quotes from final fantasy, signifying the Loveless Act 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 scenes. I can provide further detail via forum pm for this, if necessary. I know which is which so it should help you out, if you need it.


For the avatar, I would like to see a cursive-style L, no background, and in short font, I want you to somehow fit the name Loveless, and perhaps you could fit in I, II, III, IV, and V.


If you could do this for me, we can discuss payment further.


I made a something like this


https://i.imgur.com/7PqnWpF.png - Direct

I can't put a lot of quotes, do the the size of the sig and the book. I can do more if you wanna, about the avatar. You want L, then Loveless and at last a quote?

It's not what you look at that matters, it's what you see.


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