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I recomend removing bug buzz, specially if youre not swarm, bug buzz is a nice stab option but volc somewhat covers its stronguest suits naturally, dark types are usually consisted of bish and weavile which flamethrower deal with, the same goes for grass types, so unless youre using a team that its weak to something like reuniclus or any fat psychic id say bug buzz is your best option to replace, flamethrower is the most consistent and reliable stab and giga drain offers a much better matchup against bulky waters or just water types in general, hp ice adds even more coverage and can work as a nice lure for all the chomps, dnites etc.

I recomend removing bug buzz, specially if youre not swarm, bug buzz is a nice stab option but volc somewhat covers its stronguest suits naturally, dark types are usually consisted of bish and weavile which flamethrower deal with, the same goes for grass types, so unless youre using a team that its weak to something like reuniclus or any fat psychic id say bug buzz is your best option to replace, flamethrower is the most consistent and reliable stab and giga drain offers a much better matchup against bulky waters or just water types in general, hp ice adds even more coverage and can work as a nice lure for all the chomps, dnites etc.


It is flame body also

Actually, i didnt even consider umbreon and the fact that +2 doesnt 2hko with flamethrower on spdef umbreon is kind of a problem, either way +2 buzz doesnt kill him so you're bound to get toxic'd, i'd say if youre having a lot of dificulties dealing with umbreon, maybe buzz will have to do, also knowing that a lot of umbreons are usually used on sun teams you can at least 2hko those with flamethrwer as long as sun is up and youre at +2.

Actually, i didnt even consider umbreon and the fact that +2 doesnt 2hko with flamethrower on spdef umbreon is kind of a problem, either way +2 buzz doesnt kill him so you're bound to get toxic'd, i'd say if youre having a lot of dificulties dealing with umbreon, maybe buzz will have to do, also knowing that a lot of umbreons are usually used on sun teams you can at least 2hko those with flamethrwer as long as sun is up and youre at +2.

infact its not about umbreon im trying to check the pros and cons in the same time, thank you for your information if you would like to add anything feel free to

Baganha is right about umbreons in sun teams.


However, you can always bring a conkeldurr in your team. Son of thanos is sooo meta.


Tip: +2 volcarona with life orb in sun 2 hit kos blisseys :v

i run heatran,fero,rotom w, gyara ha sala ha gengar ... but this information that u added abt blissey is very interesting, I will go further into details regarding pros and cons of HP ice vs BB

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