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I'm doing the Pinkan Island Quest right now, and the guard in front should've taken all my Pokeballs. I do still have my Fast Ball tho, I don't know if this is the only item that was able to go trough the filter.



Greetings, IMHVoid.


Sorry for the inconvenience. Your report is correct, the Ranger does not take away all of your Pokeballs, like Fast ball as you mentioned above. It is not intended and it will be fixed in the future. Unfortunately, there's no Estimated Time of Arrival (ETA) on that, however it's already forwarded to the appropriate parties. In the meantime, you may join our Official Discord Server to be up-to-date regarding this issue.


Once again, thank you for bringing this up to us. Have a great day!

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Use the appropriate sub-forum to eventually help others with the same issue.


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