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In-Game Name: Tornado92

Discord Tag: the_zuccc#0787

Server: Silver

How often do you use Discord? Once a day.

What is one suggestion you have for PRO Discord? I'd maybe recommend adding the "Daily To-Do Guide" onto the #pro-useful-links, it'd probably fall in the miscellaneous area.

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In-Game Name: ImSansUndertale

Discord Tag: I'mSansUndertale#494w2

Server: Silver

How often do you use Discord? Around an 4 hours in a week

What is one suggestion you have for PRO Discord? Make the Reborn bot show if your digspots are ready, since it is my main source of that gang pokemoney.

In-Game Name: ieatsheep

Discord Tag: ieatsheep#7032

Server: Gold

How often do you use Discord? 8-10 hours per day.

What is one suggestion you have for PRO Discord? Not a damn thing. It is probably not perfect but i never felt like anything was missing.

In-Game Name: Giovanni

Discord Tag:Lentz#4306

Server: Silver

How often do you use Discord? Pretty often.

What is one suggestion you have for PRO Discord? Please redo the rewards for the Celadon daily hunt they are very terrible at the moment.

Former Team Rocket Leader....

In-Game Name: TootyFrooty

Discord Tag: TootyFrooty#0182

Server: Silver

How often do you use Discord?: I check it everyday

What is one suggestion you have for PRO Discord? Maybe dividing the discord members somehow more detailed than silver/gold server

In-Game Name: Laytton

Discord Tag: Laytton #4874

Server: Gold

How often do you use Discord? I use Discord around 3 hours per day.

What is one suggestion you have for PRO Discord? Maybe Create another Channel than #YourOwnArt , this one would be dedicated to people creating or suggesting things to improve PRO.

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