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issues in leveling up?


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Hello people! I recently started to play Pokémon Revolution and I chose Charmander as my first pokemon. I was playing and I realized that in this game the quantity of EXP is really really low, so I couldn't level up and evolve . Now my Charmander is level 14 in things are geting worst, I can't pass the first gym( which is rock type). I know we have the NPC's but I'm with the same problem. I would like to know if there is an alternative way to progress that I don't know or the next patches will fix this EXP issues against the wild pokemon, because even in pokemon fire one of the oldest we don't have this problem.

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thee exp gets better while the story progresses.

you have some options though:

1. get to lvl 17 to get dragon rage

2. get mankey(route 22),budew(viridian forest day time) or maybe butterfree(for confusion skill and hope they dont attack you with rock attacks xD)

3. make new account and pick other starter :p


Charmander starter are supposed to be hard at start since 1s 2 gyms arent in their favour. so get to 17 for dragon rage or catch other pokemon mentioned above to have it easier.

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thee exp gets better while the story progresses.

you have some options though:

1. get to lvl 17 to get dragon rage

2. get mankey(route 22),budew(viridian forest day time) or maybe butterfree(for confusion skill and hope they dont attack you with rock attacks xD)

3. make new account and pick other starter :p


Charmander starter are supposed to be hard at start since 1s 2 gyms arent in their favour. so get to 17 for dragon rage or catch other pokemon mentioned above to have it easier.

i have a few suggestions on that for charmander pickers, get the rare candy at viridian city, don't use it untill you have a charmeleon or charmander at level 16(cancel evolution) use the rare candy and boom, you're ready.


...And all will burn, beneath the shadow of my wings.

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well gajeel and neltharion..both of you are correct in your own ways..i would say you gave him two good options to decide charmander's fate...And yes mankey is better choice..i personally catched mankey and lvld him up a little to face 1st gym and little more for 2nd gym...after that your charmeleon will do the needful bor remaining gyms...and yes pokemon exp system is quite balanced..we have tested it a lot and still testing to make it 100% error free.


Thanks Somes for Sig

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